junk造句61 She tossed the junk mail in the bin, unopened.
62 We were reared on junk food and B-movies.
63 Careful searching through old junk shops and around antique markets may well produce endless ideas and inspiration from which you can work.
64 They might confuse that hard work with personal growth, internal challenges, junk like that.
65 He eats a lot of junk food, and he doesn't get enough rest.
66 The house where Victor lives with Dolly is cluttered with years of accumulated junk.
67 The institutional investors that charged into junk bonds in the 1980s have now headed off at a gallop in the opposite direction.
68 And heaped up in one corner, almost touching the ceiling, was a huge pile of junk.
69 With no new junk deals sold yet this year, demand outweighed pressure from the sell-off in Treasurys, traders added.
70 I sit around all day and eat junk food out of boredom.
71 Many of us find that even if we bin our junk mail, it continues to arrive.
72 My background is petty theft and liquor store holdups and the usual drug junk.
73 A lot of his films were unpretentious junk, but they made money and Nicholson and others came along in the slipstream.
74 It was a beautiful day, and the junk was absolutely full of all her old friends.
75 Ian MacDonald and he had stripped down the old wreck and searched junk yards for spare parts.
76 It's too easy to end up living off junk food.
77 The other is the onslaught on the mind by mass junk entertainment.
78 They have man-aged to combine the worst features of institutional food and junk food.
79 He'd been hoarding his junk for long enough anyway, and it was time to liquidize his assets.
80 Is its growth due to a lack of discipline, or to pollution, radiation, junk food, etc?
81 The tinker plainly knew what she was about, because there was not one single piece of junk to be seen.
82 Well, it may be hard to disguise junk as health food.
83 We dumped all the junk the Luftwaffe keeps stuffing into these poor beasts.
84 Reduce your intake of salt, sugar and junk foods - especially beneficial if you suffer from water retention.
85 Their junk shop was full of chairs, trunks, ornaments, and other miscellaneous objects.
86 As Crilly can not drive, I ply myself with junk food and coffee, preparing myself for the wheel.
87 They piled up scrap wood, boxes and other junk and made a big bonfire.
88 So when the company makes money, its junk soars, in anticipation of the windfall.
89 The locals still used the place as a tip, and piles of old tyres and other junk lay about.
90 He pulled the same junk with Star executive editor Darth Auslander.