cell phone造句151 You may have experienced with cell phone message go to vote?
152 He is the chief executive of the English soccer players' trades union, the Professional Footballers Association, whose cell phone was hacked by a private investigator hired by News International.
153 For years, the postpaid business model has dominated the US cell phone market.
154 Never use the cell phone while it is hooked to the electrical outlet!
155 Mike Green remembers back in 2005 when his then-wife asked him to add text messages to their cell phone plan.Green, of Mankato, Minn., had no interest, but his wife went ahead and signed up.
156 "At one point I was woken up at two in the morning by a guy on a cell phone hunting pest beavers in Montezuma, " says Gorbunova.
157 Jinan where selling Scud or other brand cell phone batteries, battery L 7 want to buy.
158 So we created the ET114 Satisfaction Guarantee, to help take the stress out of choosing the right cell phone. Order any cell phone, PDA/Smartphone, or wireless PC card with a wireless service plan.
159 The police demanded that she turn over her cell phone, computer records, and notes about her contacts with the paramilitary Real IRA organization.
160 Solar lights, solar yellow flashing lights. Solar cell phone charger, solar flashlights, solar power supply system.
161 Your teacher called the old man to confirm , you imitated his voice on the cell phone?
162 Skyhook's solution is to triangulate a user's location using three sources of spatial information: GPS, cell phone towers, and most innovatively, any nearby Wi-Fi hot spots.
163 She was holding the cell phone to one ear while the special-events producer in New York was on her earpiece in the other ear, almost shouting, "Andrea, Tom Brokaw is coming to you! Are you ready?"
164 Please never use cell phone while it is hooked to the electrical outlet!
165 Called "New Love Meetings, " it was filmed in a MPEG4 format with a Nokia N90 - a regular, higher-end cell phone on sale around the globe, documentary co-director Marcello Mencarini said.
166 With a gloved hand, she digs into these and finds a cell phone.
167 Will we be in the habit of carrying a small device with us that can be used as a cell phone, a fax, a microphone and an internet connection?
168 By 2000, China's cell phone use had grown to about 85.5 million from near zero a decade earlier, according to the International Telecommunications Union.
169 I didn't get your message.My cell phone has been on the fritz.I don't know what's wrong with it.
170 For all we know, calls came from him, from another cell phone in his house.