zeal造句31. The men were drawn to their work not only by curiosity and zeal, but also by an inspiring patriotism.
32. And having lost our zeal for the idle etchings of some bored buckaroo, we slink off into the shade.
33. Now we saw them very rarely, and they were not hunting with their previous zeal.
34. What IsabelIa first permitted ambivalently she eventually supported with zeal.
35. Danger lies only where too much zeal is applied to redressing the cultural balance.
36. The zeal to conform and inform on their neighbours gave the Inquisition many willing helpers.
37. Eighteen months on, some head teachers are complaining that inspectors are fulfilling their duties with a zeal which smacks of prejudice.
38. Whatever the job at Disney[.com], it was approached with missionary zeal.
39. But it is obvious that one relatively small peninsula can not contain this missionary zeal indefinitely.
40. A small but destructive minority has turned from religious zeal to crime, or to insurrection against its own governments.
41. Zeal for a cause dissolved his timidity and loosened his tongue.
42. But somehow, in the zeal to get re-elected, we lost our way.
43. Taylor brought an almost religious zeal to his work of advancing the state of computing.
44. Some Democrats have charged him with unfairness and excessive zeal in the investigation.
45. The operation of the obscenity law depended to some extent upon the crusading zeal of current law officers.
46. The scientific establishment can resist a new idea with such complacent zeal that even Joshua with his trumpets would have no effect.
47. But their zeal as reporters often took precedence over their New Deal leanings.
48. The party converted to the free market with a zeal that out-Thatchered Thatcher and out-Reaganed Reagan.
49. As with all other proposed changes for broadcasting, the details of the Thatcher Government's reforming zeal are as yet unknown.
50. In her zeal to improve her writing, she tried correcting all three problems each time she wrote.
51. A new bureaucracy, the darling of the administration that establishes it, has a missionary zeal about its function.
52. When they hung up, he found he had a new zeal for his letter-writ-ing.
53. Its principle was completely understood, and was opposed with equal zeal and ability.
54. Todd Tiahrt is second to none among Gingrichite diehards in his zeal to cut tax.
55. Again, the academic establishment in criminal law has pursued subjectivism with evangelical zeal.
56. In the 60s many people brought a quasi-religious zeal to their calling.
57. I had learned to play the leadership game with great zeal.
58. They went too far in their zeal for election campaigns along western lines and the elections were declared invalid by the authorities.
59. And liberalism advanced even where governments were by no means unqualified in their crusading zeal for it.
60. The intense zeal on both sides is culminating in a sort of end-of-the-century holy war.