fortunate造句151. Another case of hard-hearted capitalists pushing aside the less fortunate to enhance their investments?
152. His capacity to persuade people to pay attention to the plight of the less fortunate was constant.
153. We lesser mortals who had been banished to such places as Wolverton were, however, less fortunate.
154. Marie Brown thought she was one of the fortunate ones to sail through unaffected.
155. Perhaps the authorities are fortunate that the people up here have a certain amount of self respect for themselves.
156. Offiah is fortunate to be blessed with great natural ability and he is certainly the most marketable asset in Rugby League.
157. A photograph taken of Gardiner's property in another matter in 1988 was fortunate for the police say the prosecution.
158. By the order of words the poet even hints that Thessaly is more fortunate than her sister Sparta.
159. Nevertheless, those theories were not rejected[http://], and it is fortunate for science that they were not.
160. He was just a very extraordinary man and I was very fortunate to have had those twelve years.
161. The other child whom I noticed in that Fourth Grade room was in an obvious way less fortunate.
162. Lori Garbacz was not quite so fortunate when an open window slammed shut on her hands breaking two of her fingers.
163. He had been immensely fortunate in the way events had developed, but he knew his luck couldn't last.
164. Some plants actually prefer a lot of shade, which is fortunate for gardeners choosing plants for gloomy corners.
165. It was fortunate that the War had undermined his certainty.
166. The end of my days was reserved for another, and I hope more fortunate, occasion.
167. The organization is collecting canned food to help the less fortunate.
168. Children growing up in the 1950s and 1960s were fortunate enough to enjoy the Eagle comic every week.
169. He was fortunate to be shown only the yellow card.
170. Men talk as if victory were something fortunate. Work is victory.Ralph Waldo Emerson
171. Less fortunate caste members provided much of the labour for graphite mines.
172. Families fortunate enough in this day and age to have some one at home generally bring home-cooked dishes.
173. I've been fortunate to have done a lot of traveling.
174. We were very fortunate to sell it to some one in Charleston.
175. Yet Simmons was extremely fortunate to survive beyond his first over.
176. The more fortunate may have a close friend who can offer the comfort unavailable at home.
177. The Republicans were fortunate in coming to power at a time of growing prosperity.
178. Then, the extra females-some of them mated by the fortunate male-wander in and add to the pile.
179. For those of us who are less fortunate, Correct Letters could come in handy.
180. The fortunate ones clutch tiny plastic bags of black sand, a pound of which counts as a windfall.