快好知 kuaihz

61. At the discursive level, the figurative component, the grammatical features and the enunciative component are examined in detail. 62. Figurative language, prosody, sonics, description, narrative are all a language unto themselves and some will come easier for you to write than others, as well as understand. 63. Agalmatophilia is a paraphilia concerned with the sexual attraction to a statue, doll, mannequin or other similar figurative object. 64. The use of charcoal crayon translates in this evolution a less figurative style. 65. When most people think of metaphors, they think of examples in which figurative language is used in a way that calls attention to itself, such as in our first ecample 'A mighty fortress is our God'. 66. Like magnets, three - dimensional figurative forms are suspended in unity. 67. In linguistics , there are different interpretations as to how to understand figurative language, i. 68. Secondly, from the point of view of text, the war literature tries to abstract and sort out history by the narrative strategies of figurative usages and typification. 69. Most idioms are of figurative language and their images are usually vivid and culture-specific. Idioms are the quintessence of a language. 70. You are going to see that the application must be employed moreover in the proper sense as well as in the figurative sense. 71. To facilitate figurative understanding of this chapter for the control of the results of visual programming. 72. The figurative speech used with animal names is an important component part of English rhetoric.