vacant造句181. Although urban renewal efforts are under way, century-old buildings often are vacant and boarded.
182. They competed for the seat left vacant by retiring Sen.
183. Tenure: Leasehold with c. 80 years to run. Vacant possession upon completion of purchase.
184. Woke up to hear bulldozers Rumble through vacant lots, Saw houseplants we forgot to water Shrivelled in their pots.
185. This dim vast vale of tears, vacant and desolate?
186. The vacant W.B.C. junior-lightweight title has been called off.
187. There are many vacant seats in the carriage.
188. Vacant days are not included on some unofficial calendars.
188. Wish you will loveand make progress everyday!
189. His vacant face stared pitying at the postscript.
190. She received the news with a vacant stare.
191. In fact, over 20 opposition chairs in the 225-seat chamber were frostily vacant.
192. Hence, the rabbit is under the tree of vacant land up began to rest.
193. A number of senior people were regarded as likely to occupy the now vacant post.
194. Everyone else in the welterweight division won a vacant belt.
195. The delivery of vacant possession by the Vendor shall be supported by a Certificate of Completion and Compliance (CCC) certifying that the said building is safe and fit for occupation.
196. A trunk to which a call for a vacant number or changed number or a line out of order is connected for action by an operator.
197. There are others to whom Idleness dictates another espedient, by which life may be passed unprofitably away without the tediousness of many vacant hours.
198. A vacant lot or a bombsite can, to the amateur naturalist, produce an extraordinary variety of flora and fauna.
199. Vacant rooms on the campus were being used by holidaying families.
200. He decided to apply for the vacant position in the multinational company.
201. You can get there faster if you cut across the vacant lot.
202. This visage, no mere veneer of vanity is a vestige of the vox populi , now vacant, vanished.
203. Invented the first power dust control sweeper with vacant absorption force.
204. There is talk still of European law, of siting vans on vacant plots once the council bailiffs have gone.
205. At the upper end were the vacant seats of the judges.
206. There are others to whom Idleness dictates another expedient, by which life may be passed unprofitably away without the tediousness of many vacant hours.
207. Vacant positions can be made known through the medium of the press.
208. From her vacant look we can know that she probably is in bad condition.
209. The post has been vacant since Richard Williamson stepped down as Sudan trouble-shooter at the end of the Bush administration.
210. In every major city there are more vacant buildings than there are homeless people.