快好知 kuaihz

121, The threat of a costly legal battle doomed the proposal. 122, No one can say that implacable biology ordains failure, that gay social organization is fixed, promiscuous, and doomed. 123, Any attempt to legislate goodwill in the market-place is doomed to failure. 124, He was in his element playing doomed heroes and dandies, neurotics and aesthetes. 125, This magnificent vision of church and society united as an organic whole was, however, doomed to disintegrate. 126, Over the period since 1945 as a whole, other beasts proved mammoths - of elephantine size but doomed to extinction. 127, His sad, excruciatingly well-behaved adolescence is inextricable from the progress of a doomed friendship with an eccentric schoolmate, Smallgods. 128, Like a fish in a net, the more he thrashes, the more he is doomed. 129, In aquarium conditions such attempts are usually doomed to failure due to bacteria attacking the severed portions before the wounds heal. 130, The organization that views its storied past as the sole model for performance improvement is, in most cases, doomed. 131, Now Riccardo Patrese looks more like a doomed astronaut ... rocketing crazily out of control towards the heavens. 132, A tenth of people who drank such water are doomed to die, say doctors. 133, And yet it looks doomed to failure, thwarted by a United States-led opposition. 134, From that moment, it was doomed to become a huge, sprawling, one-story conurbation, hopelessly dependent on the automobile. 135, As far as Greenpeace is concerned - unless the rot is stopped now rivers like the Severn are doomed to slow death by poisoning. 136, The revolutionary intelligentsia seemed doomed to doctrinaire squabbles over increasingly irrelevant issues. 137, He was not a bedmate, however, and the 1930 marriage was doomed from the beginning. 138, It flipped and spun a number of times, fuel spilling out of the damaged left wing - the aircraft was doomed. 139, This directly challenges the notion of a hard distinction between sunrise industries and sunset industries with the latter doomed inevitably to decline. 140, But his hopes of superseding the liturgy with any such matter were doomed to failure. 141, These factors virtually doomed the United States to a period when the productivity growth rate would be less than the historic average. 142, It was now obvious that repeated military efforts by a single state were doomed to failure. 143, Fukuyama is unlikely to attach much weight to Liberation theology, which he would no doubt classify as a doomed subspecies of Marxism-Leninism. 144, A terrible roaring sound began to emanate from the doomed building, and the bystanders were ordered to get well away. 145, It was clear that any straight forward attempt to build the maximum floor area on the site would be doomed to failure. 146, However, if you hate exercise, be assured that the whole enterprise is not necessarily doomed to failure. 147, Sable Island seems doomed to wash away, and this pale, pretty dune sparrow will go with it. 148, Under emancipation, the Negro was thought to be doomed to extinction. 149, John escaped death because he could not settle in the doomed cabin where 15-year-old Catherine and 12-year-old James were sleeping. 150, For his blasphemy and irresponsible behaviour, he was doomed to wander about like a sea-tossed ghost, never to rest again.