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fall ill造句
31. Does arrhythmia calculate be fall ill? Should go seeing a doctor? 32. A week after his admission into the army , he fall ill. 33. That the mother lost her son made her fall ill. 34. The mother second time fall ill for , watch to the hospital to speak to have glycuresis , falling sickness disease , brain infarction. 35. And in the event that you do fall ill, stock up on herbal remedies like ginseng and black elderberry. 36. Sometimes stuff happens and they fall ill and end up in hospital. 37. The child: " Mom, did the mice of our home fall ill? " 38. If we can set up a "Students' Disease Saving Fund", it must be utterly beneficial for the disadvantaged undergraduates who have not hospitalization insurance. Everybody could fall ill. 39. Otherwise, you will simply succeed in making people desire fruitlessly;and for Freud, to desire fruitlessly is to fall ill of neurosis. 40. Results The infected mice began to fall ill at 6 d post-infection, symptoms including decreased appetite, pilomotor fur, sloth, shakes and diarrhea, with a mortality rate of 20%. 41. She have to stay home because her son fall ill. 42. Living in a polluted environment, people may fall ill easily. 43. For example in some organ, will blood is caky all round its, give birth to a bump, if things go on like this can fall ill. 44. When she fall ill her daughter take over the business from her. 45. Does darling fall ill have a fever with what method antifebrile the fastest best? 46. The counteractive ability lowest of the human body when sleeping because of the person, fall ill very easily. 47. When occurrence problem of hormone level and oviposit, ovarian can fall ill.