fuse造句31. This piece of equipment needs a thirty - ampere fuse.
32. The skull bones fuse between the ages of fifteen and twenty-five.
33. In Istanbul, East and West fuse together in a way that is fascinating to observe.
34. When Mr Brown's daughter got married against his wishes, he blew a fuse.
35. You may find your temper on a short fuse when confronting your teenager.
36. Perry lit the fuse and retreated to a safe distance.
37. Their solution was to isolate specific clones of B cells and fuse them with cancer cells.
38. There was an overload on the electrical circuit and the fuse blew.
39. Changing a fuse is one of those fiddly jobs I hate.
40. I've blown a fuse.
41. Use a 3 amp fuse for equipment up to 720 watts.
42. For all my experience, I blew a fuse in the quarter-final and could have been sent off.
43. Be careful! A short circuit will blow out the fuse.
44. Mr Yanto, who had a very short fuse, told her to get out.
45. What they have done is fuse two different types of entertainment, the circus and the rock concert.
46. The flakes seem to fuse together and produce ice crystals.
47. A bomb was deactivated at the last moment, after the fuse had been lit.
48. A sudden surge in the current made the lights fuse.
49. Hopes for an early cut in German interest rates lit the market's fuse early on.
50. The broken part must fuse with the rest of the bone before you can walk again.
51. We intend to fuse the companies into a single organization.
52. When the machine was switched on it blew a fuse.
53. I have a very short fuse and a violent temper.
54. I paid £80 to have my car radio fixed and I bet all they did was change a fuse.
55. I know how to mend a fuse and I don't need you shoving your oar in!
56. Diploidy is restored when two haploid gametes fuse.
57. Every nerve smouldered on a short fuse.
58. Turn off the current before changing the fuse.
59. Anger on a slow fuse began to build.
60. Pat Nevin lit the fuse by making it 2-0.