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31. I don't carry a lot of weight now, in spite of all my gold braid. 32. Even a valance or pelmet will be given an extra highlight when edged with an attractive fringing or braid. 33. This opens the weave, shortens the length and opens up the diameter of the braid. 34. Flat braid usually looks better if hand-sewn as lines of machine sewing may spoil the finished effect. 35. So the choice comes down to twist or braid, and the synthetic material from which it is made. 36. Manshin Anjima stretched her arms above her head, then began to braid her sparse hair. 37. Manshin Anjima wrapped her braid slowly around her head and seemed to consider the possibility. 38. Might have skipped rope with her, or let her braid my hair, or told her my dreams! 39. Fiber glass braid, coated with silicone resin. 40. Braid the three logs much as one wouldone's hair. 41. Reinforcing sayer is two layers of braid fiber with high retractility . 42. Interfacial adhesion strength of composite is characterized by the methods of torsional braid analysis. 43. Gold Braid is torque-free and will not rotate under load. 44. Use pins to keep the braid in place as you work. 45. The present paper covers some irreducible representations of braid groups obtained by the Yang diagram method. 46. By using the torsional braid analysis (TBA), We have investigated the dynamic mechanical behavior of polyphenylene sulfide (PPS). 47. When Squirrel returned, the other four were with her: gaunt grey-haired Myrtle, Willow Witch-Eye with her long black braid, Frenya of the thick waist and enormous breasts, Holly with her knife. 48. Third, it indicate the attitude to venerating expansive cincture the pursuit to fashion of intermarried and domestic faming braid and the pursuit to beauty. 49. At theory, the model of three - chain braid structure was constructed. 50. One can also shape the brioche into a braid for special occasions. 51. Want trigger to be buckled only, blare, blood and fire can braid sad anadem . 52. The coats of the admirals and generals were covered with gold braid. 53. The uniforms of the generals were covered with gold braid. 54. Lon tucked his Padawan braid safely behind his ear and obligingly picked up the giggling infant. 55. Thou art too fair to be left to braid St. Catherine's tresses. 56. Face dais, back blackboard, in times endless flow, the teacher is you each is 45 minutes, braid countless dazzling aureola with pains sweat and wisdom. 57. A girl , wearing a long braid down her back . Chueh - hui recognized the bondmaid, Ming - feng. 58. The self-curing of amino resin during the curing process of amino-alkyd resin has been studied based on gelation theory by using the IR and torsion braid analysis. 59. Use this one greenery eventually, braid gave green mountain, embroider green of great capacity. 60. Braid creator Jonathan Blow said Skinnerian game mechanics are a form of "exploitation."