快好知 kuaihz

1. Both patients are sedated and ventilated. 2. He was still in shock, and heavily sedated . 3. Most of the patients are heavily sedated. 4. The patient is sedated with intravenous use of sedative drugs. 5. She was heavily sedated for the pain. 6. Grace was asleep, lightly sedated. 7. Her condition remained critical and she was sedated and placed on a ventilator. 8. Ingle was kept in a sedated coma[http:///sedated.html], normal practice in such cases. 9. He was then sedated and ventilated to facilitate further examination and investigation. 10. He was then sedated and ventilated to facilitate further examination and investigation. Activated charcoal with sorbitol was administered by nasogastric tube. 11. He observed that his daughter was heavily sedated and that her breathing was extremely laboured. 12. She remained sedated and in a critical condition throughout Tuesday 7 July although she showed some slight improvement. 13. On her deathbed the heavily sedated Ann snatches back her past. 14. The patient must be sedated before the operation. 15. Astana is clean, orderly and seemingly sedated. 16. Are you telling me the porn actually sedated you? 17. There he lay, asleep in bed, heavily sedated. 18. You are usually sedated or under anesthesia. 19. Someone sedated with scopolamine has difficulty lying. 20. She's sedated, but she's probably scared out of her mind. 21. They were expected to remain sedated and using breathing tubes for days. 22. During the actual procedure, patients are sedated to eliminate discomfort. 23. Sedated only by brandy, 11th president of the United States James Polk survived gall bladder surgery at the age of 17. 24. When I saw him after the accident he was still in shock and was heavily sedated. 25. Her husband, who suffered from Alzheimer's disease, was detained in hospital and sedated pending geriatric assessment. 26. The reined-in impatience which so often emanated from Ian was absent, Theodora's gravitas mitigated and Julia's social nervousness sedated. 27. Henry Harlow and his colleagues made the discovery after analysing muscle biopsies from sedated bears at the start and end of hibernation. 28. Date rape is an obvious risk and the girls are cautious about eating with a client for fear of being sedated. 29. A second finding is that the foetus is naturally sedated and unconscious in the womb, leading the panel to advise that anaesthetics for the foetus are not needed when it is terminated. 30. Not only run by the ruthless but also by people who have sedated their own morales.