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(121) Deconstructionism and feminism have much in common in the process as well as in the language of subverting the Western traditional thoughts and the existent hierarchical theory and practice. (122) Feminism is a hurly-burly part in the area of contemporary cultural studies. (123) Beauvoir is well-known all over the world as a famous existentialist philosopher, ideologist, litterateur, social activist and a spiritual leader of feminism. (124) Speaking of feminism and pathology, a recent Slate piece about the misogyny of porn moguls like Larry Flynt and Hugh Hefner rubbed you the wrong way. (125) After being reevaluated in the second wave of feminist movement in the sixties and seventieth of the last century, Edith Wharton has been established as an outstanding precursor of feminism. (126) This paper intends to systematically explore the theme in her works-aspiration for freedom from three aspects: feminism, abolitionism, and libertinism. (127) And that brings up another reason why the flightiness of contemporary feminism is a problem. (128) Feminism wasted time trying to persuade us that men are tameable, she proclaimed. (129) Doris Lessing 's attitude towards feminism and her writing about it always have a sense of ambiguity. (130) Lucretia Mott's influence so significant that she has been credited by some authorities as the originator of feminism in the United States. (131) Sylvia Walby, in her new book, The Future of Feminism, adjudicates on this magisterially. (132) With literature method and graph method, this thesis sets forth the course of the development of feminism and its historical connection with modern Olympic Games. (133) If you judge it by the standard of contemporary feminism and sexual liberationism, of course it will seem lacking. (134) Simone de Beauvoir's "Le Deuxieme Sex" is a significant feminism philosophical writing. (135) Virginia Woolf, an English woman writer, is the forerunner of feminism. (136) Wolf's feminism by analyzing her use of "interior monologue" in her main works and points out that Wolf's androgyny is her ideal pursuit rather than the foreseen case as stated by some researchers. (137) Two is: existing as theory, the feminism political thought has its own theoretical logic. (138) In the previous research of Wide Sargasso Sea, it is mainly studied from the perspectives of feminism, psychoanalysis, mythic archetype and post-colonialism. (139) Lucretia Mott's influence is so important that she has been credited by some authorities as the originator of feminism in the United States. (140) Lucretia Mott's influence was so significant that she has recently beencredited by some copy writerities getting originator of feminism in theUnited States. (141) "For me, coming into feminism at the beginning of the70s, 'political lesbianism' was the main position advanced by a tinyband of vanguardist women, " she says. (142) The subversion and deconstruction of "maternal mythology" is a result of the fustigation of feminist literature on male dominated culture as well as of feminism introspection. (143) As for Milton 's attitude towards women, some critics hold that he is a typical misogynist while others believe that he has an obvious tendency to feminism. (144) Feminism may have liberated the feminists, but it has still to change the lives of the majority of women. (145) Feminism criticism has special context - against feudalism and the tradition. (146) For one week, Montessori brought the principles of social feminism to life. (147) Feminism wasted time trying to persuade us that men are tamable , she proclaimed. (148) With the help of social historical method, acceptance theory and textual analysis method, it wants to sort out and set forth the character and influence of Chinese feminism. (149) Lucretia Mott's influence was so significant that she hasbeen credited by some authorities as the originator of feminism inthe United States. (150) The western feminism came the feminality stage after the femininity and feminism s stage.