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1. Attempts to resurrect the ceasefire have already failed once. 2. It is said that this medicine can resurrect the dead. 3. That noise is enough to resurrect the dead! 4. She has been busily trying to resurrect her Hollywood career. 5. It's time to resurrect them as headgear. 6. We can only resuscitate, we can't resurrect. 7. He was determined to resurrect the Liberalism of Cambridge, and turn it into a force among junior members of the university. 8. Now, as they try to resurrect lost glory,[/resurrect.html] the Raiders embrace power in numbers. 9. "Silverado" was an entertaining but unsuccessful attempt to resurrect the Western. 10. I do not intend now to resurrect the metaphysical theory I said in Chapter 2 that we do not need. 11. There's a growing drive to resurrect the ancient woodland tradition of charcoal burning. 12. Last weekend Tracey had tried to resurrect his relationship with her, now it was Anthony Swan. 13. Archangels can use Resurrect only once during a combat. 14. One can then resurrect and reconstitute all molecules. 15. Resurrect spells come at later levels. 16. To resurrect the dead, power He gave you. 17. Tynam had killed Radenbaugh to resurrect him Miller. 18. Others have tried to resurrect Jackson's career but failed, associates say, because of managerial chaos, backbiting within his inner circle and the singer's legendary flakiness. 19. In any case, most outlawed parties resurrect themselves under a new name. 20. Resurrect: A Priestess can resurrect friendly characters, bringing them back from the dead to fight anew. 21. If we cannot resurrect, the moral angel will never patronize our sullied spiritual habitat. 22. We must resurrect market discipline as a complement to prudential supervision. 23. Included in Napoleon's plan to resurrect France a ministry to encourage French industry. 24. Ancestral Spirit - Allows a Spirit Walker to resurrect dead non - Hero Tauren. 25. Mass Resurrect: Like Resurrect, but works on multiple friendly souls simultaneously. 26. Dagenham's employees can only hope that Ford does not resurrect the phrase in the 1990s. 27. Having to be more separate can, for some people, resurrect memories of earlier separations which were particularly painful for them. 28. How dared he do this to her? Try and resurrect something that was well and truly dead! 29. Even more far out, will Germany cast off from the euro and resurrect the deutsche mark, possibly joined by Austria and the Netherlands? 30. So even if Judgement Day would come, and the God would reassemble the molecules and resurrect the body, it's not the very same body that you started out with.