rationing造句61) In 1993 grain rationing was abolished in cities and towns throughout the country.
62) Financial institutions engage in the second type of credit rationing to guard against moral hazard.
63) Optimal capital rationing under limited capital is the common problem in capital budget practice.
64) The third section introduces the practical policy experience of rationing in the UK, and the weighted capitation formula for geographical areas.
65) The local credit rationing exists universally in addition to structural credit rationing in Chinese credit market.
66) People Bought in stocks of tinned goods in anticipation of food rationing.
67) In those harsh postwar years, ideals of infant beauty resided chiefly in fat, in Churchillian multiple chins, in dreams of an end to rationing and of the reign of plenty to come.
68) Soft rationing means provisional capital constraints imposed by management as an aid to financial control.
69) During the war the government imposed rationing of food and gasoline.
70) We reinterpret the credit channel of monetary transmission and the nature of monetary policy from the perspective of credit rationing.
71) Combining the standers of NPV and PI, a mixed model of capital rationing investment and the rational investment volume are set up in this paper.
72) The two aspects were likely to give rise to credit rationing.
73) But the plan would, in fact, have led to draconian rationing.
74) Firms facing hard rationing can't raise money from capital markets.
75) The optimal models for capital rationing under limited capital are established and some examples are calculated.
76) Their development is stunted because credit rationing denies them money from the banks.
77) What is the difference between hard and soft capital rationing ? Does soft rationing mean the manager should stop trying to maximize NPV? How about hard rationing?
78) Why do we need someone in charge of organization and rationing?
79) People bought in stocks of tinned goods in anticipation of food rationing.
80) Hard capital rationing always reflects a market imperfection a barrier between the firm and capital markets.
81) The USPSTF recommendation could produce a cruel form of rationing in which the well-off and well-informed would get PSA tests while many of the poor wouldn't.
82) If there exists credit rationing, it is viewed as temporary disequilibrium phenomena caused by an exogenous shock to the economy or long-term credit rationing caused by governmental constraints.
83) Part Five and six, based on some relative theory of Credit rationing, this article analyses the credit gap, controlled clause and the effect of Relationship lending about SMEs in Gansu province.
84) Low interest-rate restricted by government causes huge financing gaps, as a result, commercial banks could arrange limited loan funds only by credit rationing.
85) Water rationing was implemented in order to stave off a water shortage.
86) Design and implementation of reasoning decision strategies. Reasoning decision strategies oriented to enterprise man-hour rationing level, is one of focus of this thesis.
87) When we come to discuss company financing, we shall see that most large corporations do not face capital rationing and can raise large sums of money on fair terms.
88) Chinese local credit rationing is presented outstandingly as "bank-government barriers" of financial market.
89) The company is currently experiencing capital rationing , and new investments are required to earn 18 percent after taxes.
90) Different credit departments will adopt distinct policies under this credit rationing.