alike造句(151) All of its greatness, wideness , massiness and depth are alike with you very much.
(152) In America law and custom alike is based upon the dream of spinster.
(153) The Russians, badly led and dishonestly provided, were beaten on sea and land alike.
(154) The pions form another triplet, electrically different but otherwise alike.
(155) Who are both just easygoing. We are a lot alike.
(156) The Rockefeller of the Information Age, in business and philanthropy alike.
(157) How monotonously alike all the great tyrantsand conquerors have been : how gloriously different are the saints.
(158) Eg : Mymother and I are very alike, I am a chip off the old block!
(159) Both of the noumenon and metaphor object have deep characteristic are similar and alike in spirit.
(160) The conference was of benefit to orphanage directors and adoptive parents alike.
(161) An insurance agent beat out 122 others to win Florida's annual apa Hemingway Look - Alike Contest.
(162) Both audience and player alike were predominantly Black for that gestation period.
(163) Old age is no respecter of persons ; It'strikes beggars and billionaires alike.