catastrophe造句181. WHAT CAN BE DONE to prevent catastrophe from nonexplosive warfare?
182. Because of specialty, complexity and catastrophe of loss, the insurability of agricultural risk has its more control.
183. It is planning to support crop and livestock insurance for small-holders in developing countries by creating a company to underwrite index-based weather and other catastrophe risks.
184. The heart beating model is described as cusp catastrophe with end node of systole and diastole.
185. Now the whole town was talking about the catastrophe in Shanghai.
186. This farmer lost his live stock and dead stock in the catastrophe.
187. By physical observation , flashover in building fires is a suggestive of a catastrophe process.
188. the World Bank has pioneered livestock insurance for Mongolian herders; a Malawi weather derivative against drought; and the Caribbean catastrophe insurance pool.
189. Success would be the avoidance of catastrophe, hardly an achievement that invites acclaim.
190. Finally, we hope against hope that we have the courage to ensure that this type of catastrophe can be prevented or mitigated.
191. But it’s terrifying to realize that this kind of cynical careerism — for that’s what it is — has probably ensured that we won’t do anything about climate change until catastrophe is already upon us.
192. There is the appeal to incomplete catastrophe such as a lucky parishioner who developed pneumonia and stayed home, thereby avoiding certain death.
193. The An in the idea trembles-listen to his meaning, can't be want chase me this catastrophe headman, take to to his way the friends the sea is smooth to give vent to rage?
194. Some recent innovations, such as tradable pollution rights and catastrophe bonds, have provided a public benefit.
195. Major Major floundered bewilderedly from one embarrassing catastrophe to another.
196. On one run, for example, the model showed precisely the pattern seen in a video of a catastrophe in Mecca in 2006, when 346 pilgrims there on the haj were crushed to death.
197. The multiple equilibria and their catastrophe of the low-order barotropic model are studied.
198. The energy released by stars can heat the gas, obviating the cooling catastrophe.
199. After Zhefan catastrophe, Mayan master magically disappeared overnight, they also will become a splendid culture charades.
200. They suffered an electoral catastrophe, winning a paltry 3 seats.
201. Is restrained ten thousand year exceedingly high outthe incantation to live, a world catastrophe again unavoidable.
202. But it would take two more years of spillage to catch up to another deep-water catastrophe: a blowout in an exploratory well off the coast of Mexico in 1979.
203. Every one feels that a disaster is imminent, as if a catastrophe is about to come.
204. Such catastrophe was of course likely to embitter the French nation.
205. Chapter 4: Introducing some basic information of catastrophe derivative in foreign capital market, including catastrophe loss index, the definition and type of catastrophe derivative etc.
206. "Accusing a Shi'ite group of killing a Sunni leader leads to a catastrophe, " Ali Khreiss, a Shi'ite MP and ally of Hizballah said Tuesday.
207. L 'é criture fut la seule chose à la hauteur de cette catastrophe d'enfant.
208. Free and honest trade has always been the best way to do that, without fail. Not understanding the benefits of peace, freedom, and nonintervention will always bring about catastrophe.
209. The mesoscope damage dynamics and damage evolution had been applied to probe the evolution process induced catastrophe in the earthquake activity. It is a new method.
210. The financial catastrophe initiated by the colla eof the stack market hit the country a deadly blow.