dolphin造句151) The greatest threats to marine mammals are being caught in fishing nets or being struck by shipping vessels, although for the Yangtze river dolphin, pollution is a major contributor.
152) In addition, there are fish, the Chinese white dolphin, Acipenser sinensis, is the largest Netted, 1.5 meters wide-body, the country is only this one.
153) Distribution of nutritional composition in muscle tissue was analyzed for rough-toothed dolphin ( Steno bredanensis) from the South China Sea coast.
154) He did it, in part, because of his amazing dolphin kick.
155) Obviously, the dolphin is noise wave with the ex - sum to act.
156) Location: Dolphin Bar, 67 meters east to the West Entrance of the Xinghai Beach (near Dalian International Yacht Club), Dalian China.
157) The Amazon dolphin, Inia geoffrensis, parted company with its oceanic ancestors about 15 million years ago, during the Miocene epoch.
158) Elements of the butterfly include pull, breath, recovery, entry and dolphin kick.
159) It was reported today that a dolphin called Moko saved two pygmy whales stranded on a New Zealand sand bar .
160) Most of the continental U.S. could fit into the massive jungle, and the surrounding rivers and lakes house threatened and vulnerable species like the pink river dolphin and black caiman.
161) The most physically demanding stroke , the butterfly features the simultaneous overhead stroke of the arms combined with the dolphin kick.
162) In a California theme park, Akaasha, a 6-month-old tiger cub, was transfixed by a dolphin that stared back at her during a recent outing.
163) While sleeping, the bottlenose dolphin shuts down only half of its brain.
164) The symbols of Apollo were the wolf, swan, raven, stag, dolphin, laurel, and lyre.
165) M : I know there are freestyle, back - stroke , breast - stroke, butterfly and dolphin.
166) Who knows... if you've always had trouble moving forward with your dolphin kick, maybe you're not making the right connection with the water and this little trick can help.
167) Practicing this drill could give you a new dimension in your dolphin kick.
168) Interestingly, the butterfly kick was developed separately, and is also known as the "dolphin kick".
169) He was there to witness the crash in population of the common dolphin (Delphinus delphis) from 150 animals in 1996 to almost none in 2007.
170) The young as-yet unnamed wholphin is one-fourth false killer whale and three-fourths Atlantic bottlenose dolphin.
171) He was so happy communing with the dolphin in Dingle Bay.
172) The dolphin was cold and a leprous gray-white now in the starlight and the old man skinned one side of him while he held his right foot on the fish's head.
173) A bottlenose dolphin plays in a lagoon in Waimanalo, Hawaii.
174) From the side, you can see it's basic dolphin kick... but as Kevin rotates his body toward the camera, you'll notice the distinct outside-in motion of his feet.
175) Celestite will also assist initiates in uncovering lifetimes that one's soul has had in the sea such as within the dolphin and whale species, and communing with such species in present time.
176) At up to 450 pounds and eight feet in length, the Amazon dolphin, or boto, is the largest of the four known species of river dolphin.
177) The estuary keeps the surrounding land rich and fertile and provides a natural habitat for a number of threatened species, including the rare La Plata dolphin.
178) And since the dolphin area was isolated at the far end of Marineland, Jeff often found himself alone with the playful creatures.
179) The Wines of Cape town offer an exceptional quality like the Dolphin Bay Chenin Blanc which was the winner of the Wine Magazine Best value award 2007.
180) She has named them Tursiops australis, although they will commonly be known as the Burrunan dolphin, an Aboriginal name meaning large sea fish of the porpoise kind.