快好知 kuaihz

151. Mrs. Warner is already 96 and too frail to live by herself. 152. But Jesus didn't consider the direction of frail men, like Peter, and " truning around [ His back to Peter] and seeing HIs disciples, He rebuked Peter, saying , Get behind Me, Satan! 153. Suddenly, I heard a frail crying sound, like bleat of a small lamb. 154. Sometime, men are frail, too, and feel turndown without rhyme or reason. 155. Although all women face a trade-off between the resources their bodies allocate to reproduction and those reserved for the maintenance of health, robust women can afford more of both than frail ones. 156. How slight a thing will disturb the equanimity of our frail minds! 157. She resented KO Chung - mou's scornful tone, and his implication that she was a frail, timid creature. 158. The region of west Inner Mongolia lies in arid, semi-arid, terribly arid climatic zone, and the ecological environment is very frail. 159. Spends Laney -7.5: Although person body still obviously frail, but he already unfolded the future through the performance to become star player's potential. 160. All the blood and lymph had been drained out of him by an enormous debauch of work, leaving only a frail structure of nerves, bones, and skin. 161. Because Dunhuang Grotto locates the Gobi area havingatrOcious weather, muras are threatened andtO be very frail. 162. Never was anything at once so frail and so indomitable. 163. Even frail people who've already passed their 90th birthday can add muscle mass and strength. 164. Snoopy was too frail to be shipped in the unheated baggage compartment of a plane. 165. The next morning, the uncle opened the woodshed to find the frail aunt frozen to death. 166. After the market continued murky one year, everybody psychology was very frail. 167. Qat, or catha edulis, has become the national pastime in this poor Arab country of 19 million, but one many experts say is ravaging Yemen's frail economy and sucking up precious water. 168. The Gardener 27 Pleasure is frail a dewdrop, while it laughs it dies. 169. The desalination emotion, the far cordiality, the false code cannot block from the frail heart. 170. Curiously full of vitality, But a little frail and quenched. Her woman's instinct sensed it.