快好知 kuaihz

1) The aquarium has many tanks of fish. 2) The aquarium has some interesting specimens of unusual tropical fish. 3) Previous attempts at filtering and oxygenating aquarium water had failed. 4) Angelfishes are characteristically hardy in the home aquarium. 5) It remains smaller in the aquarium. 6) It can not be cultivated in the aquarium. 7) All you need is a sample of aquarium water. 8) Saltwater fish have a shorter lifespan in the aquarium. 9) It readily adapts itself to aquarium conditions. 10) This is one of the most beautiful aquarium plants. 11) That's going to need one large aquarium! 12) Propagation in the aquarium is very slow and rare. 13) Comments: An ideal aquarium plant requiring a large tank. 14) Ceratopteris is tasty food for aquarium snails. 15) Flowers rarely develop in the aquarium. 16) Comments: A good aquarium plant and easy to grow. 17) This plant rarely flowers in the aquarium. 18) Propagation in the aquarium is by cuttings. 19) Substrate can consist of fine gravel, aquarium sand or powdered lava. 20) Some of the most satisfactory aquarium specimens are the pygmy angelfishes. 21) However, a healthy aquarium with lush plant growth will use the organic matter on the gravel as a plant fertiliser. 22) This is the most suitable water for the aquarium containing clean, washed sand. 23) A large range of species are to be seen in the aquarium. 24) The fish can be temporarily housed in a smaller aquarium. 25) The tiny room was jammed with bookcases, papers, posters, an aquarium and a computer. 26) A visitor treks to the pumps from the darkened viewing room of the aquarium by opening an unmarked door. 27) With their large mouths they are capable of swallowing smaller aquarium fishes. 28) They appear to have no need of an anemone and usually ignore any placed in the aquarium with them. 29) Miniature saltwater systems shrink miles of life into a large aquarium, plus paraphernalia. 30) There are a number of other butterflyfish suitable for the home aquarium.