realism造句31. A healthy dose of realism does no harm here.
32. The novel is from the genre of magical realism.
33. It was said that he surpassed even the realism of the camera.
34. It is a form of reenactment of repressed memories, a kind of photo-theatre, or psychic realism.
35. Their living reality became a matter of technique, of realism gained through rehearsal.
36. Such non-ending cheeriness provoked the nonconformists into dwelling upon those aspects of the human condition which Socialist Realism refused to acknowledge.
37. For Robbe-Grillet, there was also a direct correlation between Balzacian realism as a literary form and the society which produced it.
38. We have not included much documentary work as the realism of documentary has often been used ideologically to reinforce notions of naturalness.
39. In one way, the novel is a final triumph of realism, representing character more inwardly and intimately than ever previously.
40. In the broken-wing performance, the realism is so remarkable that even human observers can be fooled when they first encounter it.
41. But true salesmen are unlikely to be deterred by mere realism.
42. This brings us to the final, major stylistic influence to be found within Traditional Realism.
43. Joe viewed the world through what at the time would have been considered a prism of realism.
44. However, the Baudrillardian collapse of certainties has precipitated a crisis in our understanding of representation and realism.
45. De Gaulle's romantic notions were balanced by a harsh realism.
46. Realism is now out of fashion, in large part as a consequence of those silly semantic claims.
47. Of course, she thought with a stab at realism, all this could apply to anyone.
48. The chief aesthetic charge against the art works was that their characteristically modernist expressionist distortions failed to conform to a naturalistic realism.
49. Were such arguments for astronomical realism the exclusive property of Protestants?
50. Songs are set in everyday situations and many listeners appreciate the gritty realism, although others consider the earthiness intolerably shallow.
51. That is why we feel justified in saying that Realism has held sway for the last forty years.
52. Realism can fairly be called the dominant theory in the history of International Relations.
53. You talk about achieving a balance between idealism and realism as if we already have a perfect one.
54. Before justifying our claim, however, we wish to say something about the main criticisms levelled at Realism.
55. He argued that Realism is based on three foundation stones, all to be found in the writings of Machiavelli.
56. Let us see then whether realism can offer a more fruitful alternative.
57. It nevertheless refuses to conform to the narrative conventions of nineteenth-century realism.
58. The assumed realism of linguistic theory is problematic in literary contexts.
59. Perhaps the ultimate irony is that Stalinist-style Socialist Realism is now being sold in the West.
60. Most innovators in art invoke realism as a justification for a mode of writing which is primarily literary.