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1. The birds live in symbiosis with the cattle, picking insects from their skin to eat. 2. Perhaps I better explain that symbiosis is popularly defined as a relationship between two differing life forms for their mutual benefit. 3. Cleaning symbiosis on the other hand is a true form of mutually beneficial arrangement with both cleaner and host benefiting. 4. One might almost speak of a complex symbiosis of different elements in society. 5. Nowhere is that symbiosis better expressed than in the medieval towns and villages. 6. The step from predation to this symbiosis is a short one. 7. Symbiosis Nature, as we observe it, is built upon reciprocal relationships of dissimilar organisms, bacterial, vegetable and animal. 8. Raisins and walnuts form a symbiosis that makes an indelible mark on so many recipes. 9. Vocal and instrumental timbres: symbiosis Curiously, the timbre of an instrument always resembles vocal timbre. 10. In effect, a cultural symbiosis forms between fanciful, driven club owners and inveterate clubgoers. 11. And the symbiosis is not limited to working hours. 12. The song that almost reaches the sound of symbiosis. 13. There is a symbiosis between large and small. 14. Using the symbiosis theory in biology, we divide financing symbiosis relationships into two types, commensalism and mutualism, and analyze the formation mechanism of these relationships. 14.try its best to collect and build good sentences. 15. This paper uses symbiosis theory as a new perspective to examine the ratifying model for credit extension and solve in theory such multiple co-linear relationships. 16. Remember symbiosis, two different organisms that come together for a mutually beneficial partnership? 17. Next symbiosis became a major mover and shaker feeding off the change produced by natural selection. 18. The clues I present here of symbiosis , directed mutation, saltationism, and self - organization, are far from conclusive. 19. The animation is based on the symbiosis between the egyptian plover and the crocodile. 20. An eerie symbiosis of human and machine effort is also starting to evolve. 21. There is no other team with the privilege to have such a deep symbiosis with a football genius. 22. She imagined us living in a perfect mother and daughter symbiosis. 23. Nothing reveals the originality and spirit of a people better than this astonishing symbiosis. 24. The conflict between mind and machine might be resolved at last in the eternal truce of complete symbiosis.... 25. It was in the witch trials that the exquisite symbiosis between Power and the judiciary is perhaps best illustrated. 26. In fact the sovereign courts at Turin seem to have lived in satisfactory symbiosis with the government. 27. Yet to a large extent it was a question of symbiosis. 28. Control of the sea and of sea-routes was crucial to the economic symbiosis established within the Angevin Empire. 29. Despite these differences between Convention law and Community law they possess a certain symbiosis. 30. Indeed, it was J. C. R. Licklider, a legendary official at the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency, who was a pioneer in proposing the idea of a “man-computer symbiosis.”