alienation造句121. Actually, it not only refers to the alienated labor in The First Manuscript, but also refers to the alienation of commerce in Glossen zu James Mill.
122. J. D. Salinger's soul - searching novel of youthful alienation has long since faced down its initially hostile reception.
123. The undercurrents of tension and alienation build until they decide to smash up their home, piece by shattered piece, and then kill themselves.
124. Within our own communities, those who seek to recruit and radicalize individuals will often try to prey upon isolation and alienation.
125. For example, reification was equated with alienation, and resuming proletariat class consciousness was regarded as the only way of getting rid of reification.
126. This means uncovering the class exploitation and alienation that lie at the core of marketization and privatization policies, and debunking the myth that there are no alternatives to the market.
127. The protagonists' spiritual crisis is caused by various factors, including the hostile reality, the sense of alienation and marginality, the flaws in character, etc.
128. To begin with, this thesis gives an overview of Patrick White and his The Tree of Man as well as the development of the alienation theory and its manifestation in modern western literature.
129. This thesis dwells upon the alienation theme in Patrick White's The Tree of Man, probing into people's experience of alienation and their psychic trauma and psychosis.
130. Strengthen to manage the alienation of the public power from the ethics angle will contribute to its reasonable and valid operation and the realization of its worth target.
131. Man's family relations became a part of the legal conception of his life, and the alienation of a wife's affections was held remediable .
132. Sexual morality issues of adolescent students are becoming increasingly prominent due to the anomie of traditional sexual morality and the alienation of public concepts.
133. A notable tendency of modern Marxism study is academicism that is to advocate theorizing through reasoning and constructing systems, which may result in alienation and estrangement from life.
134. The second part analyzes phenomena about vital alienation in school education.
135. Crimes is the power of alienation led to serious corruption, posing a significant threat to build a harmonious society, endanger the party's ruling position and the people's democratic regime.
136. The view that in relation to alienation a morality evaluation applies to a young Marx and a history evaluation applies to a mature Marx remains contestable.
137. T . Hsia to be the Poetics of Alienation from many parts, and treated it dialectically.
138. An action for alienation of affection does not require proof of extramarital sex.
139. The theory about "the overcoming of alienation" in Economic-philosophic Manuscript, 1844 by Marx includes the idea of the reestablishment of the relationship between humans and nature.
140. The discrepancies between them in terms of stage effect and narrative modes demonstrate the fact that Chinese and western drama take a different stand on alienation effect.
141. Marx concentrates on the alienation of labour and emphasizes the invidious aspects.
142. Audit information is the result of the audit behavior, and its distortion is the product of the alienation of compliance auditing behavior.