eternal造句31, In the background was that eternal hum.
32, Eternal life to the revolutionary martyrs.
33, The principles of the Paris Commune are eternal.
34, By wearing the ring on the third finger of the left hand, a married couple symbolically declares their eternal love for each other.
35, He believed that he would be condemned to eternal damnation for what he had done.
36, God predestines some to eternal life and others to eternal death.
37, She has spent her life in a search for eternal/scientific/universal verities.
38, Anyone who betrays his motherland shall inevitably fall into the abyss of eternal sin and shame.
39, A return to eternal verities is called for in this difficult situation.
40, Stop this eternal chatter!
41, A wedding ring is a symbol of eternal love between a married couple.
42, The series chronicles the everyday adventures of two eternal bachelors.
43, They vowed eternal friendship.
44, Are your obsessions terrestrial or eternal?
45, Eternal being makes its temporal appearance in this way.
46, In fact,[http:///eternal.html] eternal life would be a calamity.
47, What do we know? eternal life.
48, A stray pixel in the eternal bit map.
49, Your brain was designed and allocated for eternal purposes.
50, They are striking symbols of the changeless eternal city.
51, Zeus, though eternal, comes into being and moves on.
52, It adequately expressed the eternal verities of social work.
53, The sun is never visible; it is eternal twilight.
54, I simply thought this was an inviolate, eternal truth.
55, Bones signify the eternal being which does not decay.
56, Those who want to live, let them fight, and those who do not want to fight in this world of eternal struggle do not deserve to live.Adolf Hitler
57, Law was no longer conceived of as an eternal set of principles expressed in custom and derived from natural law.
58, It was a new slant on the eternal problem of the one who kisses and the one who is kissed.
59, If there are no absolutes or eternal values, then the moral imperative behind such movements evaporates into thin air.
60, They filed up the hill in the moonlight and danced solemnly around it, then kneeled and drank to their eternal health.