proceeds造句31. She bought a small flat with her share of the proceeds.
32. He agreed to sell the car and split the proceeds with his brother.
33. The new laws allow the confiscation of assets purchased with proceeds of the drugs trade.
34. The proceeds will be held in trust for the children until they are eighteen.
35. It says on the back of the card 'all proceeds to charity'.
36. As time proceeds they will learn from their mistakes.
37. Proceeds are donated to the United Way.
38. Simmons proceeds to offer a stronger conceptual framework.
39. Understanding proceeds by reconstruction at an individual level.
40. C., as well as laundering proceeds from drug deals.
41. Another fight over credit union rules proceeds in Congress.
42. These constraints change as maturation proceeds.
43. Meanwhile the flouting of the sanctions regime proceeds apace.
44. The comparative institutional analysis outlined above proceeds as follows.
45. Net proceeds will be used to repay debt and for working capital and possible acquisitions.
46. When this is done, assimilation of the stimulus proceeds and equilibrium is reached for the moment.
47. The proceeds of the issue will be used to buy up to 76 residential properties in Greenwich.
48. In this way, the strategy proceeds from the same antisemitic assumptions and stereotypes as the more familiar and anti-Zionist conspiracy theories.
49. Net proceeds will be used to repay short and long-term debt, refinance long term debt and for working capital.
50. Admission is $5, with proceeds benefiting a local children's charity.
51. The health-insurance holding concern said it will use proceeds from the two-year, adjustable-rate line to finance agents' receivables.
52. More than forty dealers in furniture and the decorative arts will participate and proceeds go to the Carnegie Museum of Art.
53. The rest of the install proceeds but the tutorial files must then be copied across manually.
54. The money is to go in a penalty box kept by Grandmother; the proceeds will go to a charity.
55. Development proceeds as the infant explores the environment via his or her reflexes.
56. Targets may be set for any parameter that can be measured as the project proceeds, such as cost, time and performance.
57. They planned to renovate it with proceeds from a painting business they had started to keep their rent paid.
58. Proceeds from the calendar will support a documentary for parents of newborns with Down syndrome.
59. The usual pattern is to start with a larger definition of the neighborhood, and narrow in as the training proceeds.
60. For since all natural change proceeds by degrees, something changes and something remains.