快好知 kuaihz

181 About the 2 nd century, Mahayana Buddhism entered Central China , inhabited by the Han nationality. 182 Where equality in the West stands for two aspects reaching equal footing, in vajrayana Buddhism equality is going beyond "twoness" or duality all together. 183 Text central to the Japanese Tendai ( Chinese Tiantai ) and Nichiren sects of Mahayana Buddhism. 184 Buddhism show many signs of being able to adapt to changing situations. It has particular attractions for secularized Westerners. 184 Wish you can benefit fromand make progress everyday! 185 After Sakyamuni passed away, Buddhism gradually attracted a wide following. Brahminism also absorbed the teachings of Buddhism, and Hinduism emerged. 186 He criticized the Buddhist ontology , humanness of Buddhism, ethics and idolatry of Buddhism. 187 Nowadays the Japanese also believe in Buddhism, Christianity and Islam as well as believing in Shintoism. 188 One should not forget that Newar Buddhism possesses quite a number of indigenous elements, which are not to be found in Indian Mahayana Buddhism. 189 In Theravada Buddhism, bodhi and nirvana carry the same meaning, that of being freed from greed, hate and delusion. 190 Lamaism is a form of Buddhism mainly practised in Tibet and Mongolia. 191 "Transforming consciousness and gaining wisdom" , which is firstly proposed by Yogacara school of Buddhism, is a fundamental issue in philosophy and religion. 192 Clinging to devildom and longing for Buddhism contained his attempt to save oneself with traditional Zen and his care for the ultimate life. 193 The Chan sect of China has called itself"Supplementary Biography of Buddhism", but its MuniuYus not only come from Mahayana, but also have a bearing on Hinayana. 194 On the way back, I talked with Mr. Wang over Buddhism, who leads a packaging company in Shanghai. 195 Marcel Duchamp's doings are very similar to Koan of Zend Buddhism. 196 With the spread of Mahayana Buddhism beyond India, other indigenous schools appeared, such as Pure Land Buddhism and Zen . 197 Historians have established that by the fourth century A.D., Theravada Buddhism originating from Ceylon (present-day Sri Lanka) became the dominant religion of the people of Maldives. 198 The hriving of " mirror of Buddha " hod the dose relation with the propagation of Buddhism. 199 Langmusi monasteries of Tibetan Buddhism, the early years have been very popular after becoming depressed.