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121. The aircraft landed at Cannon International Airport and were taxied down city streets to the auction site. 122. Some people will tell you that slow is good – but I'm here to tell you that fast is better. I've always believed this, in spite of the trouble it's caused me. Being shot out of a cannon will always be better than being squeezed out of a tube. That is why God made fast motorcycles, Bubba...Hunter S. Thompson 123. There, they were surrounded by sand bags and soaked with a water cannon, which disabled the devices. 124. The cannon thundered [ boomed ] . 125. I hope a cannon ball lands slap on you. 126. It only proves you are a loose cannon. 127. The front gate was blasted open with a cannon. 128. Many cynical managers see employees as cannon fodder. 129. The soldiers were only cannon fodder to their commanders. 130. Weapons jam and misfire and cannon will explode. 131. The cannon of hoofed mammals are edible. 132. All right, Skull Squadron, jettison Synchro Cannon modules immediately. 133. Forever, thunder would mean cannon and war to her. 134. She was driven off by cannon shot. 135. He had a passion for fireworks, explosives, cannon fire. 136. All the Army wanted you for was cannon fodder. 137. Billiards players have to master the cannon shot. 138. He is a kind person, though sometimes loose cannon. 139. Here you some cannon fodder for the attack mode. 140. We heard the bang of a cannon. 141. Police water cannon to halt the protesters. 142. Each wingtip also carries a laser cannon. 143. A French cannon from the era of Louis XV. 144. Cannon Maker allows the construction of simple varieties of siege artillery. 145. Otherwise, he said, he will kill every one of us. I have answered his demand with a cannon shot. 146. YS-1005A K3P-J3PXM Audio Cable OFC conductor, shield density 95%, and cannon plug ensure minimum transmission distortion and exceptional disturbance resistance. 147. Mark Latham also said Ms Gillard would have been better off giving Mr Rudd the foreign affairs portfolio to prevent him from being a loose cannon in Brisbane. 148. A cannon at the fort was taking a hand in the game. 149. They are much more effective and it will make them dodge rocket and cannon fire. 150. One of his friends, with a mixture of admiration and despair, describes him as a "loose cannon.