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241. To find these items, you need the address called a Uniform Resource Locator or URL (pronounced "you are ell"). 242. Caffeine has a pronounced effect on Sheldon, even if he does consider it a gateway drug. 243. The tip , the pronounced curve, the decal all adds up to a very attractive sword. 244. This formation has a distinct binary structure and pronounced geomorphological features as well as isotope age data. It is in erosional unconformable contact with the underlying Zhiyu Formation. 245. Pronounced "blit," the term derives from the ancient PDP-10 BLT (block transfer) instruction used to transfer a large block of memory from one location to another. 246. What steps will White Russia take to develop its education? The president has pronounced his opinions. 247. In a society where public interest is comparatively more pronounced than private right, private right should be encouraged to develop and right should be the basis for civil code making. 248. With portable software needing to move from PC to PC, these become a bit more pronounced. 249. Skull. The skull is well domed, showing a pronounced occipital protuberance. 250. At the last, conclusion of this paper and some problems which will be faced in succedent work are pronounced. 251. After he was officially pronounced the world'soldest man, he offered this simple formula for a long and happy life. 252. The ovaries are also part of the endocrine system because they produce female sex hormones such as estrogen (pronounced: es-truh-jun) and progesterone (pronounced: pro-jes-tuh-rone). 254. The entasis of the columns is very pronounced, as is normal for archaic doric columns, which leads to the early dating of the edifice. 255. The Romans got the word—which actually was pronounced ostrea in Latin—from the usual source: Greek. 256. By failing to move more aggressively to rebalance its unbalanced macrostructure, China runs the real risk of facing a more pronounced shortfall in economic growth. 257. The phonetic spelling will tell you generally behind a word is pronounced. 258. Principle: From the outset, President Carter pronounced previous administrations totally misguided. 259. We told you moto-genius Michael Czysz — pronounced sizz — was building another contender for the TT Zero electric motorcycle race on the Isle of Man.