passionate造句61. Playing piano and wilderness hiking are two she had been passionate about and misses most.
62. However, unlike Rice Pereira's consciously juggled forms, Pollock's paintings were born of passionate subjectivity.
63. As a passionate Vijay bends over to kiss his bride, she pulls away in disgust.
64. Prison officials drew less passionate executioners from a list of law-enforcement officers.
65. He issued a passionate plea to Labour and the Conservatives to spell out what they would do in a hung Parliament.
66. Countless Labour candidates spent the election defending their passionate commitment to a statutory minimum wage and workers' rights.
67. Sometimes I wish he was more passionate, not so rational about everything.
68. Unfortunately, facing Mrs Bottomley reduced me from passionate eloquence to an inarticulate oaf, and my opportunity was lost.
69. Some people feel them as a kind of outrage and violation, and Boden was a strong-minded and passionate man.
70. But it is on the subject of debt forgiveness that Wolfensohn is at his most passionate.
71. They are often to be seen engaged in passionate argument and vociferous debate.
72. As they got to know each other better, their love grew deeper and more passionate.
73. Although a passionate lover in his youth, after his baptism by Ambrose he became a champion of asceticism.
74. As Alexis Zorba, the passionate, free-spirited Cretan peasant, he reached his apotheosis.
75. Bayer was a passionate, excitable activist with boundless energy and a huge grassroots network of local contacts at his disposal.
76. It was the living embodiment of his most passionate convictions.
77. Everett was a complex and passionate man who could think economically.
78. Ball was a budding talent, a passionate performer on both double and electric bass.
79. What on earth had Hugh Puddephat done to provoke such passionate hatred in this well-mannered woman?
80. Normally loving and full of fun, Peter can explode with passionate anger at James and Mary, their fourteen-year-old twins.
81. But true enthusiasts are not inspired by making money - their only concern is a passionate interest in the buildings themselves.
82. A man should be passionate, make mistakes if he has to, get out of line.
83. After a couple of intense, passionate but ultimately destructive relationships, I craved a gentle, understanding mate.
84. On one hand, he was the most passionate leader one could hope for, a motivating force without parallel.
85. His passionate belief in the strength of the Doctor Who ethos saw him extending its repertoire into a whole range of media.
86. The rural picturesque was not only an artistic manner with her, it was a passionate conviction.
87. His whole being had been consumed by a passionate longing to return.
88. Norbert Schimmel was famous as a passionate collector of antiquities spanning 8,000 years of human creativity.
89. She also wanted him to undress her and make wild passionate love.
90. Rich, well connected Vanessa exudes good breeding, but her passive veneer conceals a passionate nature.