judgment造句91 From the contemplation of this inescapable judgment he turned his face resolutely away.
92 The hearing was in chambers and judgment was delivered in open court.
93 However, senior government figures say that Mr Mandelson's handling of the issue has damaged their faith in his political judgment.
94 The story of Britain's fighter development was more complex and was slowed by one fundamental error of scientific judgment.
95 They also need tact, good judgment, and the ability to establish effective personal relationships to oversee staff.
96 He also was criticized for failure to exercise good judgment and creating the appearance of partisanship.
97 For the reasons set out in the judgment of Staughton L.J. I would reject that contention.
98 A high proportion of trials which begin will end in settlement rather than judgment.
99 Nor does one surrender one's judgment if that means acting against one's judgment.
100 "It was a glaring example of bad judgment,[http:///judgment.html]" said one official who asked not to be named.
101 This is an express authority to guide our judgment in this case.
102 If a pub is closed, that is a commercial judgment by the publican and the brewer depending on the relationship between them.
103 A truly wise man has the ability to see and understand what many do not see and understand, and to arrive at the most appropriate and right judgment sensibly and farsightedly.Dr T.P.Chia
104 How you conduct negotiations from there is largely a question of individual judgment supported by sound professional advice.
105 Glanton's current plans for the Barnes depend entirely on a favourable judgment from the Orphans Court.
106 This judgment has to be made before the executive act of securing the suitable accommodation for the applicant can be performed.
107 I entirely agree and would be content to adopt the judgment of Taylor L.J. as my own.
108 The judgment could lead to the release of dozens of mentally disturbed offenders from high-security hospitals.
109 A party entitled to enforce the judgment or order may apply on affidavit to issue the necessary process.
110 Discussion of Judgment Results Subjects appeared to make judgments which were remarkably consistent with those given when actually driving.
111 The judgment leaves a large grey area and much scope for argument.
112 For those reasons, in the exceptional circumstances of this case, in my judgment the judge was wrong.
113 If you have confidence in your ability and judgment, you want to gain some impact.
114 It is necessary in his judgment to relate the facts only in the barest outline.
115 Once made explicit in this way judgment policies can be used to help reach a consensus when unaided discussion fails.
116 Over 2,000 dock workers immediately walked out despite the judgment and despite the advice given by their leaders not to do so.
117 Though racked with pain she was still capable of balanced judgment.
118 As in all other areas of endeavor requiring judgment, successful financial management requires a fine balance of a number of factors.
119 The Northern Ireland Office would make no comment until the whole judgment had been studied in detail.
120 My sense of proportion left me; my judgment took on the grotesque exaggerations of a cruel cartoon.