快好知 kuaihz

61. Scientists have now identified two kairomones produced by a common mosquito predator, which effectively repel mosquitoes. 62. Therefore, the Earth's surface magnets, free to rotate, they will repel the same sex due to magnet, opposites attract nature of the north-south direction. 63. These stains repel oils as the adhere without flaking and scaling. 64. As Hu concluded his trip, Japan and the U.S. began the ongoing "Yama Sakura" exercises, a mock-up deployment to repel a full-scale invasion of Kyushu, the southernmost of Japan's four main islands. 65. But how can teeny , tiny ants repel a big old elephant aboutbillion times more massive? 66. In the event, though, the Obama Show - a combination of treacly Hollywood movie and hard-edged documentary - seemed more likely to persuade than to repel. 67. The North pole of a magnet is always attracted to another's South Pole and like poles (North-North and South-South) always repel. 68. A third theory is that big tech is simply uncool -- that not only is profit growth for these companies slowing, not only are their traditional markets are drying up, but their brands repel investors. 69. By feeling you have enough food, house, car and clothes, you can repel thoughts of more to break the never-ending cycle that enslaves you to trade time for more money to sustain your life-style. 70. You will thus checks the law of magnets: Like poles repel ; Unlike poles attract . 71. Growing mint, roses, tuberose (Polianthes tuberosa), orchid tree ( Aglaia odorata var. microphylla),[http:///repel.html] or marigold may repel mosquitoes. 72. Fusing heavy hydrogen isotopes requires lots of energy, partly because the nuclei are positively charged and repel each other. 73. This fact is often expressed in the physics jargon as " Energy levels repel each other. ".