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1. First, cool ethanol molecules have less vibrational energy than warm ethanol molecules. 2. For the anharmonic oscillator, then, the vibrational energy levels associated with a particular vibration are not equally spaced. 3. These give only limited vibrational information, and then only for small molecules. 4. For more complex molecules in whose spectra vibrational detail is not resolved, assignments are difficult to make. 5. Under these circumstances there is no vibrational structure, and the electronic transition gives an unresolved band. 6. It is also possible to record vibrational spectra of solid samples under high and varying pressure. 7. Those with are formally forbidden under the fundamental vibrational selection rule. 8. Since we have removed an anti-bonding electron the vibrational frequency of the ion is greater than that of the molecule. 9. Vibrational MTF is compared with that under static condition, and the results are consistent with simulation curve with a 30% decrease at the Nyquist frequency. 10. The rotational levels of the ground vibrational level may be depopulated by radiation. 11. The translational partition function times the vibrational partition function, times the rotational partition function, et cetera. 12. However, heating energizes the vibrational, rotational, and electronic motions all at once. 13. Tri tones allow for even a higher vibrational energy flow allowing for continued ascension. 14. On this basis, the vibrational state - selected reaction rates were calculated. 15. However, their true vibrational nature is without third-density vibrational characteristics and, therefore, they are able to materialize and dematerialize when necessary. 16. The autosyn vibrational screen described in this article has a novel transmission. 17. Ground-state vibration frequencies are obtained as shifts from the exciting frequency or from the vibrational origin of the electronic band. 18. This process is particularly effective where small molecules are involved, for the band-shapes and vibrational structure are often characteristic. 19. Conservation of energy requires a corresponding change in the vibrational energy of the molecule. 20. A linear molecule has only two rotations, and so it has 3N - 5 vibrational modes. 21. The broadening of the higher bands reflects progressively shorter lifetimes for the final highly-excited vibrational states. 22. Fig. 5.24 shows how such measurements can be used in the assignment of bands to particular vibrational modes. 5.8.3. 23. Such structural changes are of course accompanied by changes in vibrational spectra. 24. It is usual to find a progression indicating significant transition probabilities to many vibrational levels of the modes concerned. 25. Another feature of electronic transitions is that the selection rule for pure vibrational transitions no longer applies. 26. Ferry takes vo as including not only the Van der Waals' radii but also the volume associated with vibrational motion. 27. The results show that there is no imaginary frequency in the vibrational analysis. 28. In the scheme the ion is excited by two laser fields tuned to the first lower and higher vibrational sidebands, and then by one laser tuned to the ion transition in an alternative way. 29. The results show that isomorphous substitution occur in the diamonds and the vibrational spectra characteristics of the diamonds depend on the substitution of different elements. 30. It is because it exists at a much higher vibrational level than you normally use.