visually造句121. For example, we often rehash mental imagery while engaging in visually guided tasks such as driving.
122. And the test result shows it visually reflects the dynamic physical process of the space environment.
123. With skillful lines, mysterious layouts and broad opening and closing, his works exert an impulsive force visually.
124. In addition, the execution path through a WS-BPEL process, state machine or mediation flow is now indicated visually.
125. This is because visually it doesn't actually look drastically different – slighter squarer edges, metallic design, but very little else.
126. Notice how the italic font style has a more flowing and visually appealing appearance than the oblique font style, which is simply created by skewing the normal font style version of the text.
127. a visually handicapped child.
128. Manage the side-bar links of your blogs, visually from inside the administration area, so fast and clean!
129. This organization provides equipment for the blind and visually impaired.
130. The scrollbar on the right is a bit visually cluttered, but has the most flexible interaction.
131. Text with close letter spacing presents special difficulties for readers who are visually impaired.
132. The shift to digital technologies from start to finish is evident in the image quality (digital sometimes looks less visually dense than film) and the ubiquity of hand-held (lightweight) cameras.
133. It relies on having elegant typography, a structured layout, and a visually interesting background.
134. Pedicle screws(3.5 mm diameter) were placed in the pilot holes. The spines were then dissected to separate the vertebrae, and the trajectory of the screws was visually inspected.
135. Highlights: Visually the brightest, or photometrically the most luminant areas of a subject.
136. We added the Request Visualizer tool, a "Time Machine Debugger", which visually presents logical resource requests and their mapping to physical code.
137. I mean, Oedipus murdered his father and married his mother, after which he was visually challenged.
138. The Northern Lights are effortlessly one of Earth's most visually striking natural spectacles.
139. Visually, there can be several different styles that are all consistent with experience keywords and goals.
140. This was not only visually appealing, but essential for the vibrational effect.
141. Magic Hand displays a consistent exploration of human emotions in a vibrant and visually captivating manner, reawakening sentiments and experiences from each and every one of ours past.
142. We think about the world in all the ways we experience it. We think visually, we think in sound, we think kinesthetically. We think in abstract terms, we think in movement.
143. Useful as redundant reinforcement of activities and for those who are visually impaired.
144. These views may be nested logically and visually, and have dozens of programmable attributes, including size, position, background color, opacity, clickability, stretchability, and so forth.
145. Annunciator unit visually indicating the location of the elevators and whether they are operational.
146. Such tumultuous, often visually spectacular, interstellar regions surrounding youthful stars are known as gaseous nebulae.
147. The creation of new worlds is absolute, both visually and aurally.
148. The blinput system would see a visually impaired person wearing a smartphone around their neck with the camera facing out and a pair of headphones that would produce audio in 3D.
149. As you create your interfaces, you should constantly be looking to simplify visually.
150. The central subcortical structure involved in the generation of visually guided saccadic eye movements is the superior colliculus.