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31. Though her complexion varied, she stood firm in incredulity. 32. The Vicar looked at him with open-mouthed incredulity. 33. Nothing about them causes incredulity. 34. He even looked at her with a smile of incredulity. 35. What had once been for many Israelis a longing for the re laxed normality of life in America turned to incredulity at the laxness of US attitudes to airline safety. 36. She was conscious of everyone in the room regarding her with incredulity. 37. Norman Mailer, in Houston to witness the Eagle's landing, recorded the switch?blade moment when he voiced his own incredulity at seeing reporters file out of the live telecasts in droves. 38. At the beginning he had no feeling except sheer incredulity. 39. " The judge's initial refusal to grant the IMF chief bail also drew incredulity in France, where few could imagine that such a senior financial statesman could be considered a "flight risk. 40. A suppressed smile appeare notd on the bald man's expression while I watched with incredulity. 41. It was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of incredulity. 42. Edmond thought he was in a dream -- he wavered between incredulity and joy. 43. Carreen's round little face became pink[Sentence dictionary], as pleasure struggled with incredulity. 44. A suppressed smile appeared on the bald man's face while I watched with incredulity. 45. I do not like to think or ask how far your incredulity leads you. 46. Her successive statements were received with the proper expressions of amusement, incredulity and gratitude.