快好知 kuaihz

151. Since metastases of unknown origins are usually poorly differentiated the sensitivity of testing with these antibodies would also be reduced. 152. Whether Terence O'Neill was committed to promoting the sorts of reforms which might have satisfied the Catholic minority is unknown. 153. Ambitious professors have not been unknown to take advantage of uninformed, naive students to advance their own careers. 154. Fifteen metres below the surface of a man-made lake, the unknown treasures of ancient Rome will be abandoned for ever. 155. The attackers were apprehended by an unknown passerby, who chased the three youths and recovered the stolen bicycle. 156. Columbus is played by unknown George Corraface, a handsome young thing in the time-honoured, clean-cut movie mould. 157. In fact islands with multiple barrier reefs are unknown, although a very few double reefs are known. 158. Death was not necessarily a portal to the blank bliss of absolute nothingness. It was a deep dive into the unknown.Amy Tan 159. To the right brain, spaces and objects, the known and the unknown, the nameable and the unnameable are all the same. 160. Code Unknown is therefore a movie that requires a considerable investment of attention. 161. It was a significant archaeological enterprise advancing into unknown territory in the small towns of Roman Britain. 162. Not surprisingly, a slot in the Underground can be a big boost to the careers of unknown painters. 163. Another patient developed a persistent hepatitis of unknown aetiology at six months followed by a normal biopsy specimen at 15 months. 164. Whether this has resulted in better clinical decision making, patient satisfaction, or use of resources is as yet unknown. 165. It has bushy cliffs on both sides that lean like hairy ghosts over the unknown waters. 166. It was a remarkable discovery, a previously unknown chemical process that Knittle had stumbled on to. 167. The association between chronic hepatitis C virus infection and hepatocellular carcinoma has been described, although the exact oncogenic mechanism is unknown. 168. We climb up granite bluffs overlooking vast beds of mussel and seaweed, from which we search the horizon for unknown islands. 169. I took the bus to the neighbouring parish and told an unseen, unknown priest all that had happened. 170. Whether the continued global warming and associated changes in atmospheric circulation will occur steadily is unknown. 171. For a novel writer who may possess individual writing characteristics, unknown to the handwriting recogniser, performance can be low. 172. For some unknown reason, the blinds were always drawn, giving it a depressing atmosphere. 173. Many new school volunteers were apprehensive about visiting the hospital, anxieties fed by their fear of the unknown. 174. The cost is set to go up, but the actual amount is unknown. 175. The work an unknown good man has done is like a vein of water flowing hidden underground, secretly making the ground green.Thomas Carlyle 176. The incidence of pancreatitis after endoscopic biopsy of the papilla is unknown. 177. Although the personal attitudes of the protagonists are unknown, it is clear that their working relationship was one of cooperation. 178. Isabel trembled, half afraid, half shocked, at such shameless, hitherto unknown longings. 179. The aetiology remains unknown, but much circumstantial evidence suggests that immunological mechanisms are involved in the pathogenesis. 180. That there will at some unknown point in the future be such a crisis is a complete certainty.