proposition造句181) We support the proposition that the provision of access beyond existing Rights of Way should be paid for out of the public purse.
182) Attractive as that proposition has seemed in recent years, the form in which it has been pursued is fraught with difficulties.
183) The proposition that men and women have evolved different minds is anathema to every social scientist and politically correct individual.
184) As drafted, neither bill would deny public elementary or secondary education to illegal immigrants, as Proposition 187 sought to do.
185) Since the passage of Proposition 209, those seeking such programs must resort to a statewide initiative to amend the California Constitution.
186) At the private view of that year's Royal Academy Summer Exhibition she met the architect and put the proposition to him.
187) Proposition 187 has created almost a crisis in the Latino community.
188) There is some empirical support for the proposition that the likelihood of attack decreases with size.
189) As a financial proposition, it has either consistently got its sums wrong or the people have never wanted their palace enough.
190) Bob Dole, the expected Republican presidential nominee, came out against the proposition Tuesday.
191) All that was needed was a fifty-signature petition, a special general meeting and a simple majority in favour of the proposition.
192) The proposition sets aside funds to expand research into which health services and procedures are effective.
193) She was totally uninterested in the proposition that a man ought to make something of himself.
194) Yellow and metallic packaging features a clock-intended to show the products' round the clock cleansing proposition.
195) Quite apart from anything else, I have a business proposition to put to you.
196) Although they spent only $ 160,600 on their campaign, they narrowly defeated the proposition 51-49 percent.
197) Some believe Proposition 209 has had a paralyzing effect on women-and minority-owned businesses.
198) The big reform was the term limits enacted by Proposition 140 in 1990.
199) Their basic proposition was that we tend to organise and simplify incoming information until it makes a satisfying pattern.
200) He offers the unassailable proposition that without money there can be no inflation.
201) I am sceptical about the proposition that minority rights can be protected by redrawing internal frontiers.
202) Proposition 187 is consuming the races at the top of the ticket.
203) Proposition 187 has been blocked by the courts, but opposition to illegal immigration remains strong in California.
204) All her dreams, in an instant, had vaporised into nothing - for she knew she would never accept his proposition.
205) Fife Symington has been a vocal opponent of a Proposition 187 movement in Arizona.
206) Such vanished cultures operated under belief systems so utterly different from ours that such a proposition is absurd.
207) We are prepared to look at any reasonable proposition from the council.
208) Proposition 212 would limit contributions to statewide races to $ 200 and $ 100, respectively,[www.] for legislative and local races.
209) Relativism is not an attractive proposition to anyone, least of all philosophers, because everything becomes so uncertain and transitory.
210) In 1994, voters there approved Proposition 187, which restricts education, health and other state services to illegal aliens.