licence造句151 Exemptions Various categories of vehicle are exempt from the need to obtain an operating licence.
152 Middlesbrough Council and some local residents groups are supporting the Anchor application for a drinks licence.
153 Dalton was a lorry driver, Fox didn't even have a driving licence.
154 For all, apart from Anglican weddings, you must obtain a certificate or certificate with licence from the local superintendent registrar.
155 He was fined £150, plus £20 costs, and had his licence endorsed.
156 He perused the long columns of journalistic licence which covered the Mercury's front page.
157 The board took four off-sale licences in the locality into account when considering an application for a public house licence.
158 For instance,[http:///licence.html] in 1666 he was granted a licence for the cultivation of senna in the plantations.
159 The Channel 5 licence is expected to be awarded in early November and be on air at the latest in 1995.
160 Anyone who drives like that deserves to lose their licence.
161 The real blame lies with the licence granted to employers by a statutory regime which stacks every deck in their favour.
162 The licence application must be signed by the applicant or his agent.
163 The last is licence compliance - the company provides a baseline inventory of all software being used within an organisation.
164 Instead he sent off a cheque last month for a new licence when his old one expired.
165 They were protesting against a new highway code and a points-system driving licence.
166 Judicial separation by the ecclesiastical courts, which did not give a licence to remarry.
167 If permission is granted for an entertainment licence, the promoters hope to start shows there within the next few months.
168 No, she did not own a car - could not afford to - but she did have a driving licence.
169 He bragged that he needed a special licence to bring it on the bus.
170 No regulations governed the hunt - anyone with a rifle and a boat could kill dolphins without a licence.
171 A total of 89 licences have been granted to abattoirs to start slaughtering livestock and another 150 have applied for the licence.
172 The 1976 Act also makes a radical change as regards the grounds for granting or refusing an application for a licence.
173 I told detectives that he had a pilot's licence and could fly himself out of the country.
174 There's nothing wrong with a bit of artistic licence, of course.
175 The Fayre, at Hillersland near Coleford, took place after a last minute legal battle to overturn a music licence ban.
176 The great thing about only having a licence fee is that you do retain complete editorial control and all the rights.
177 No licence for setting up a joint-venture company is required unless the company will be controlled by non-residents.
178 The biotechnology companies would then directly buy a licence for a particular technique rather than negotiating with individual universities.
179 He was also given six penalty points and had his licence endorsed.
180 I soon learnt to read the licence plates' prefixes.