快好知 kuaihz

181. As that waspish wag once remarked, "There is nothing harder than the softness of indifference." 182. Abnormal death-rate and indifference to traditional ethics seriously restricted the population quality in the midst of Shaanxi province. 183. Optimal loan′s portfolio satisfying the bank′s risk preference can be solved from the intersectional graphic position of indifference curve and efficient frontier curve. 184. The marginal rate of substitution diminishes as we move down along an indifference curve. 185. Speaking to the UN General Assembly, he said the real harm came from indifference or non-intervention . 186. The opposite of love is not hate, but indifference and unconcern. 187. We used indifference curve method(IDCM)to calculate the optimal portfolio investment proportion and gave examples to verify the results in the paper. 188. The lack of indifference and mutual dependency typical of love suggests why this frequently occurs in love. 189. Fan Po - wen was taken aback at her reply : her indifference puzzled him. 190. While most people see assaults , kidnappings or murders as the work of people with a depraved indifference for human pain, Harry is as likely as not to see the work of supernatural villains. 191. Others suggest Obama's insouciance is nothing new and that since 1945, US presidents have tended to view Europe with a mixture of scorn, irritation and indifference. 192. Jose Ortega y Gasset says that the person in love "prefers the anguish which her beloved causes her to painless indifference. 193. One manifestation of bureaucracy is slacking at work due to indifference or perfunctoriness. 194. Then with the calmest indifference I arranged my collar and tie and glimpse at myself. 195. Actually, the law of demand can be derived from indifference curve analysis. 196. I think that's what the American writer James Baldwin meant when he said he was always grateful to Paris for the utter indifference with which it treated him. 197. Bitterness because his hero's welcome had turned into indifference to this dishevelled, hectoring, old - fashioned figure. 198. A variety of middle school students are poor in writing because of their obstacles in psychology. This paper offers some countermeasures in eliminating their dreadfulness, indifference and antagonism. 199. If, instead, David's preferences are represented by an indifference curve like U2, would he choose to work over time? 200. I can not say of myself what Johnson said of Pope: He never passed a fault unamended by indifference, nor quitted it by despair. 201. My at establishing a friendly relationship with him were met with complete indifference. 202. He remembered the strange solitariness of her existence in London; her even stranger indifference to this solitariness. 203. You can only put it this way–consumers move to the new indifference curve. 204. oups such as Tsagaan Khass, or White Swastika, portray themselves as patriots standing up for ordinary citizens in the face of foreign crime, rampant inequality, political indifference and corruption. 205. Many children because of lack of this good when life in training, and formed many bad habits, such as: weak-minded, selfish, indifference, etc. 206. She felt his indifference keenly and longed to see Hurstwood. 207. The main side effects were mainly fatigue, constipation and indifference. 208. She was particularly emphatic about the urgency of opposing American cultural parochialism and indifference to writing and ideas from abroad. 209. Later, indifference can not help, and asked enthusiastically: "Why are there so many people to your house guest yet." 210. Global poverty a powder keg that could be ignited by our indifference.