快好知 kuaihz

31 I got goose pimples when the trumpets sounded and you all marched in. 32 It is forbidden to kill; therefore all murderers are punished unless they kill in large numbers and to the sound of trumpets.Voltaire 33 The seventh seal triggers seven trumpets, which introduce various additional heavenly and earthly cataclysms. 34 I had no idea that a composer could conjure the sounds of trumpets, horns and trombones from a string orchestra. 35 Conch-shells, drums and trumpets almost drowned the sound of his voice. 36 Composers have written a considerable amount of music for brass quintet consisting of two trumpets, horn, trombone, and tuba. 37 Levites arrived from somewhere, playing on lyres and trumpets, harps. 38 They are blowing trumpets singing up a storm and waving as they walk past us. 39 I remember several moments when the trumpets played and rays of heavenly light danced around my children's heads. 40 A flourish of silver trumpets, their shrill fanfare stilling the chatter, and the Prince entered, holding Gaveston's hand. 41 I'd just settled in my place when the trumpets blew and the march struck up for the grand parade. 42 We have already pointed out that clarinets in unison with high trumpets give them increased roundness of tone and certainty of attack. 43 Ear trumpets for listening through keyholes! 44 The guests were welcomed with a flourish of trumpets. 45 Trumpets brayed in the distance. 46 He entered to a flourish of trumpets. 47 Specifically, the Ryan proposal trumpets the results of an economic projection from the Heritage Foundation, which claims that the plan's tax cuts would set off a gigantic boom. 48 Complaints from teams may quieten the rowdier African fans and their vuvuzelas ( plastic trumpets ). 49 Common jazz instruments are trombones, tubas, saxophones and, of course, trumpets. 50 C - Note marches through the yard looking for another con named Trumpets. 51 The church bells were ringing, and from the high towers sounded a flourish of trumpets; and soldiers, with flying colors and glittering bayonets, lined the rocks through which they passed. 52 Close pitch shifting with illogical formant shifting and a deactivated pitch detector can be amazing with certain pitched inputs, such as flutes, trumpets, solo line guitars. 53 Amid the yellow light of butter lamps and the sound of throaty Tibetan chants and long brass trumpets , they squeezed into a prayer service led by the Dalai Lama, a leader they still adore. 54 With trumpets and sound cornet make a joyful noise before the Lord, the King. 55 Music makes its way into the battlefield, in the form of bagpipes, drums, flutes and trumpets. 56 The trumpets were hooting and screeching away so weirdly that they set one's teeth on edge. 57 The psalm is a liturgical hymn that may have been used on the occasion of one or more feasts, such as the Passover, the Feast of Tabernacles, or the Feast of Trumpets. 58 Another blare of trumpets signaled that the limousine carrying Brezhnev had entered the Southwest Gate. 59 He trumpets " the audacity of hope " yet proposes more government intervention. 60 They supplemented their guitar sound with strings, baroque trumpets, even a calliope.