快好知 kuaihz

(31) While he had originally traveled in order to study, traveling had become an end in itself. (32) In the evening of his life he traveled from place to place. (33) After a while the road opened up and they traveled more quickly. (34) The number of the people who traveled by air soared to millions. (35) Kegl traveled to Nicaragua at the invitation of the education minister. (36) When candidates went stumping around the country, people traveled for miles on foot, by horse, by carriage to hear them speak. (37) News of his work traveled all the way to Asia. (38) The gooks would booby-trap heavily traveled areas. (39) He's traveled a great deal. (40) We traveled 2251 miles in 11 days. (41) He founded two monasteries in Wearmouth, then traveled extensively. (42) Several state senators traveled to Asia at taxpayers' expense. (43) We traveled across a broad expanse of desert. (44) Kim traveled alone through Europe. (45) They traveled on horseback over treacherous Himalayan footpaths. (46) We traveled through treeless wastes. (47) He has traveled widely, lecturing on such obscure but important topics as cryptography, intellectual property and cognitive theory. (48) Since the crow believed that this was Kay, the crow and Gerda traveled to the castle. (49) I hitchhiked, I traveled on foot, I rode the rails. (50) Studying drama as a winner of a Commonwealth Fellowship, Cooke traveled throughout the country in the summer of 1933. (51) As the designers hustled to finish the machine, those charged with the encouragement of a third-parry software base traveled the country. (52) Happiness cannot be traveled to, owned, earned, worn or consumed. Happiness is the spiritual experience of living every minute with love, grace, and gratitude.Denis Waitley (53) Anyone who has traveled in Third World countries is aware that the favors of public officials are customarily and blatantly for sale. (54) From this they could determine the average speeds the waves traveled at different depths. (55) Access to the region is restricted, and journalists who have traveled there have been closely followed and monitored. (56) It was a seemingly happy time for Edwin, too, who kept writing letters as he traveled about the country. (57) His tongue traveled gently over her lips until gradually her mouth opened slightly, just wide enough for his tongue to enter. (58) Everywhere we went, every town we traveled to, I kept expecting Slim to pop up again. (59) We should not judge people by their peak of excellence; but by the distance they have traveled from the point where they started.Henry Ward Beecher (60) Even had my grandparents wanted to, they could not have traveled because of their frail health.