快好知 kuaihz

61. Modigliani clearly felt no empathy towards the stuffed shirt towering above his wife. 62. At 38, he seemed a sure bet to become a towering figure of popular music. 63. Seeing him towering over the young hedgehog like that, licking his great, greedy chops ... Oh! 64. The other heads advance in a menacing manner towering over the kneeling deity, identified as such by his head-dress. 65. And if you believe there's no smoke without fire, Sean Young must be a towering inferno. 66. This delightful eating and drinking establishment serves wonderful meals outside on a back deck surrounded lush green lawns and towering trees. 67. There was a spectacular view, a green secluded valley with the mountains towering all around. 68. This is perhaps because the later accretions are somewhat dwarfed amid the towering Gothic architecture. 69. I stood there feeling ugly and out of place, a large man towering over this crumpled child. 70. Off in the distance you see enormous mountains reaching for the heavens with their towering peaks. 71. Soon he reached the top where the hills levelled out and stretched to the hard rock face of the towering cliffs. 72. The beach here is spectacular, curving gently round the bay under a towering, wild headland. 73. The sun was just catching the summit of the opposite hillside, making a corona of light over the towering cypresses. 74. I have no doubt excluded towering figures who ought to have been included, and included some less important. 75. Stevenson has long since taken his towering presence and pounding fists into retirement. 76. Towering over East Main Street, the elegant nine-story landmark has been plagued by financial instability since it opened in 1925. 77. Matron was equally dignified, with a towering cap of white linen and a penetrating gaze. 78. What sets it apart is its situation, with the massive range of the Taygetus mountains towering above. 79. In the centre of the room was a monstrous machine, black and towering; its huge bulk awesome with power. 80. He was terrifying, towering over her seeming twice the size in his fury, but she would not run. 81. All around Kitzbuhel, verdant slopes of dainty meadows decked with mountain daisies meet calm pine forests and towering alpine peaks. 82. Naylor, tall, dark, and not looking any sweeter, was right there towering over her. 83. Its borders encompass vast forests, towering mountains, and many miles of wilderness as well as cities, farmlands, and bountiful rivers. 84. Then, they were braking to a skidding halt as the towering framework of the fire escape loomed up out of the mist. 85. Terrified, Mildred backed away and crashed into something hard, which seemed to be a huge iron railing towering above her. 86. The one they stood at was made of heavy chain-link, stretched between towering concrete posts that were spaced fifteen metres apart. 87. The towering, gilded replica of the Goddess of Liberty was the next to go. 88. Then Susan's monster was in the square, towering above Daine's statue. 89. The buildings erupted into a towering inferno as the plane, carrying only four people, exploded on impact. 90. As he walked towards the towering ship, he mused over his good fortune.