abolition造句(31) The final blow for many firms was the government's abolition of import duties which resulted in a flood of cheap imports.
(32) The first is the abolition of the powers of courts to pass sentence of corporal punishment.
(33) Coincident with the changing Parliamentary climate was a more positive attitude towards abolition on the part of the Labour Government.
(34) The abolition of serfdom would therefore be a necessary precondition of free labour mobility.
(35) The next major phase of land degradation came after the abolition of slavery in 1838 and the rise of peasant agriculture.
(36) The first revolution on the agenda, therefore, was the bourgeois-democratic overthrow of tsarism and abolition of feudal remnants.
(37) The abolition of the death penalty following the revolution remained intact.
(38) These have grown enormously in recent years, especially since the abolition of foreign exchange controls in 1979.
(39) From the beginning, they campaigned for the abolition of the old laws on relations between master and servant.
(40) The situation is further confused by the abolition of the metropolitan authorities and the probable demise of the structure plan system.
(41) When the curbash was abolished they set it up to compensate anyone who was whipped after the abolition.
(42) Is it not short-sighted for both Opposition parties to be pledged to the abolition of this scheme?
(43) The other editor, Reform leader Isaac Mayer Wise, was opposed to abolition.
(44) The borough brought in a group of consultants to produce topic papers on twelve of the major areas affected by abolition.
(45) The third was the abolition of capital gains tax on unit trust portfolios in 1980.
(46) Abolition was to be a vindication of the capacity of parliament to bring about nationally agreed change in difficult times.
(47) The case for abolition was made more urgent as a result of the experience of Labour in government after 1974.
(48) Other reforms include the abolition of landowners' right to offset farming losses against profits from other business.
(49) The resulting verdicts amounted, once again, to a demand for the abolition of the Forest jurisdiction outside the king's demesnes.
(50) We can not too strongly condemn such a practice and we recommend its total abolition ....
(51) The abolition of rates fulfils an ambition of Mrs Thatcher's dating back to 1974.
(52) There is no other definition of socialism valid for us than that of the abolition of the exploitation of man by man.Che Guevara
(53) Prior to the abolition of the heritable jurisdictions in 1747, those nobles who possessed extensive judicial rights controlled their own patronage.
(54) Mr. Allason I congratulate my right hon. and learned Friend on the abolition of composite rate tax.
(55) The abolition of the sororities evidently did not take place without a great deal of resistance.
(56) The book was influential in the abolition of the tied cottage in the years following the war.
(57) He argued for the abolition of the public schools, which he says are elitist.
(58) The abolition of some second-tier authorities in the mid-1980s did not, however, necessarily lead to corresponding savings.
(59) In May the Soviet Union proposed the abolition of 75 percent of the existing stocks of weapons and offered unimpeded inspection.
(60) This necessitated the abolition of the whole Bakufu- han system and the economic structure on which it rested.