快好知 kuaihz

1. A mirage is an optical illusion. 2. It hovered before his eyes like the mirage of an oasis. 3. Perhaps we are just chasing a mirage. 4. Electoral victory is just a distant mirage. 5. Perhaps we are all just chasing a mirage. 6. His idea of love was a mirage. 7. In a mirage the desert will mimic a lake. 8. The girl was a mirage, cast up by his troubled mind. 9. The glory days are a desert mirage. 10. The leaders' mission will vanish like a mirage. 11. The oasis is just a mirage. 12. A Mirage security guard uses his walkie-talkie to cal for reinforcements, and directs people who want autographs into a line. 13. A mirage, a reflection of layers on air out to sea. 14. Now, at the Mirage, Ali stands and walks stiffly towards the picture windows overlooking Las Vegas. 15. How much growth is needed to cover the sadness out of a mirage. 16. The heat reflected from the white sand formed a mirage. 17. The government said it was preparing a squadron of eighteen Mirage fighter planes. 18. As each of his seemingly decisive threats vanished like a mirage before his eyes Karpov once again sank into serious time pressure. 19. But the opposition is not alone in seeing the appearance of new prosperity as in part a mirage. 20. There was no definite horizon line and the castle seemed to be hanging in the grey sky like a mirage. 21. To the east, across miles of barren brownness, there were dunes floating in an azure sky - another spectacular mirage. 22. She thought at first it must be the edge of the sea, then realised it was a mirage. 23. Now the Walker Cup match is over, certain players should think hard before chasing a mirage. 24. Into his twilight existence her face floated like a mirage. 25. Now you spy it, now you don't, like some mirage. 26. It floated mockingly through his sleep and came like a mirage between his eyes and the daylight. 27. She wheels around off a wall and disappears into the mirage maze of lights. 28. It stretched for miles and became lost in blue haze and mirage lakes. 29. He may have seen the continental ice cap, raised by mirage. 30. The bubbles of foam trembled to mist and I sensed the house become dangerous, a mirage to my eyes.