快好知 kuaihz

61. In fact, the embossed, gold-plated tailpiece looks almost subdued in these surroundings. 62. But the panic... was soon subdued on reflection, and shamed by the counsels of the brave and intelligent. 63. But be prepared to entertain yourself: The expensively appointed restaurant usually is subdued and was deathly quiet on a recent visit. 64. The short-term outlook on the high street, however, remains gloomy with subdued consumer demand. 65. He looked tired, a little subdued, and suddenly she was stunned by an almost overwhelming shock of tenderness. 66. There were objects in glass cases, lengthy labels in tiny print, subdued lighting and great echoing halls. 67. At breakfast time the general atmosphere among the residents was still subdued, but much less strained than the previous evening. 68. Where Dorati is elegant, Saccani is lyrical, where Dorati is sometimes joyful, Saccani is more subdued. 69. The fields and woods were shut in under it, emptied and subdued. 70. The cheval glass opposite: in the subdued light, she saw herself - surely not a woman, but a freak? 71. From the library there was a broken murmur of voices, subdued and spasmodic as a funeral gathering. 72. Even the female mourners, who followed the bier, were few in number and boringly subdued. 73. Her husband's reaction to Lowell's bit on the side had been subdued. 74. Aunt Tossie, now in the full regalia of her widow's weeds, was eating heartily but in a subdued way. 75. The statute was promulgated during Lent, in the hope that abstention would find the peasants in subdued mood. 76. But she also looked, Meredith noticed, very pale and rather subdued. 77. A cluster of ex-dividend stocks trading without the benefit of dividend payments helped keep dealing subdued. 78. They were in any case somewhat subdued by Yussuf's misfortunes. 79. When grown in subdued light, the leaves become greenish-brown or bronze colour with greenish blotches. 80. Another was knocked down and, while half conscious and thoroughly subdued, was sprayed in the face with Mace. 81. None of the men made any attempt to escape when they struggled, subdued and shaken, on to the bank. 82. Some children placed on the drug became more subdued, less obstreperous. 83. The young are particularly vivid, their colors and patterns changing systematically with growth to the more subdued beauty of the adult. 84. Of course not. Who wants to talk things over after being physically subdued and humiliated? 85. Only Corrary was still subdued, remembering his brother lying in a makeshift grave far from his home Rorim. 86. They have a great ability to survive in subdued light. 87. The sight of her filled Liz with a subdued and dreary panic. 88. Even the extremities of her limbs were tingling pleasurably, a subdued kind of electricity running through her entire body. 89. The cellist took up his bow, and drew across his instrument a few subdued notes of Bach. 90. A couple of very good oriental rugs were pools of subdued colour on the polished wood floor.