快好知 kuaihz

31, Having a houseful of relatives can be pretty stressful. 32, It was a very stressful incident. 33, It can be very time-consuming and stressful. 34, It was a stressful time for the whole family. 35, Looking after small children can be very stressful. 36, Ease of movement and energy wisely directed help to untie the physical knots which stressful tension can all too easily create. 37, A number of factors may then precipitate a psychotic episode, including emotionally arousing events and a stressful environment. 38, She took such an avid interest in all that her daughter was doing that it became stressful. 39, Corals and anemones are sensitive creatures and react to any stressful situation by closing down to avoid the cause of their stress. 40, These tasks are meant to be stressful and to show how well the student can use the languages in difficult circumstances. 41, People who feel unloved and depressed often alleviate those stressful feelings by going out and buying things. 42, Social services stormed in Hollywood-style and made the whole incident 20 times more stressful than it had to be. 43, The office of prime minister is a lonely and uniquely stressful one, and most develop their own small circle of confidants. 44, There is no evidence that stress causes addiction as such although a stressful life event may trigger latent addictive disease. 45, Stressful situations can be managed effectively, thus making you a master of life's events rather than a victim. 46, Among the discoveries made in psychoneuroimmunology is that stressful events can make the immune cells far less responsive to infection. 47, Probably creative work was all the real satisfaction he obtained in those stressful years. 48, Unless the stressful tension is released, it will not improve the health, the temper or the situation. 49, Relationships grow stressful when managers and subordinates bump elbows, so to speak within the same frame of reference. 50, Their work can be stressful, as they attempt to schedule work to meet deadlines. 51, Representatives from out-patient teams played a more active part in stressful daily decisions about child care management. 52, Such periods will often be found to correspond with times of particularly stressful social change for the individual. 53, These benefits seem even more relevant in our present climate of hurried and stressful life styles. 54, It appears that the Leonids contain a dense cloud of dust released during recent stressful passages of comet Tempel-Tuttle by the Sun. 55, One's lifestyle in television can be stressful, artificial and erratic, quite apart from being exciting and creatively fulfilling. 56, Women have been conditioned to believe that men's work is harder and more stressful than theirs, which is a con. 57, Evening and weekend study, writing reports and taking exams can all prove quite stressful. 58, Many children find bridging the gap between kindergarten and first grade to be stressful. 59, Secure attachments early on in life provide inner resources to manage stressful and threatening situations in later years. 60, Often they result from particularly stressful circumstances but they may simply be a moment of carelessness.