presently造句91, Ive been off and I am presently ploughing through 80 odd messages.
92, New business would provide a more optimum use of the equipment, presently in the main restricted to weekends.
93, Inspectors previously specialised in particular areas of pollution control will be expected to regulate industrial processes presently outside their experience.
94, Well, he'd see to that presently, after he'd explained the delay.
95, The watchers from Berwick's walls presently could see them no more, in an overcast early summer night.
96, Presently they came to a stone wall, beyond which was a huge symmetrical mound.
97, The presently divided churches must discover ways to deal effectively with racism in their boards, institutions, and policies.
98, Furthermore if Grimbergen is closed, where do the present 150 plus light aircraft presently based there go?
99, Presently he turned and drew her towards him, their lips closing together.
100, He is presently covering rock concerts for Kendal council who are hosting an exhibition of his work later in the year.
101, There is as noted above a real risk that the process will aggravate further the degree of imbalance that presently exists.
102, The father of her children is presently serving a two-year custodial sentence for burglary.
103, Indeed, I shall argue presently that there is a connection between democracy and social and economic equality.
104, Presently, there was a lightening of foliage and I thought, almost disappointedly, all that panic for nothing.
105, Chek Lap Kok is open 24-hours a day and presently serves 45 million passengers a year.
106, Further, no nation on Earth presently has the ability to launch manned lunar missions.
107, Presently he came out and handed us ten pounds in gold and a cheque for ninety pounds from Coutts's Bank.
108, The tumult died away, and presently Moon-Watcher could hear the sound of a body being dragged over rocks.
109, We will monitor the further developments and pronouncements of the several bodies presently addressing the subjects of corporate governance and accounting standards.
110, It is certain that we have to devise ways to move beyond antiracism as it is presently constituted.
111, Presently the old lady came towards him, entered the shed and sniffed knowledgeably at a tin of weedkiller.
112, For a few minutes she knelt by the grave, and was presently joined by Maria.
113, Members of Killynure House Committee are presently making house to house calls soliciting residents support for the petition.
114, The volume of glucose tests performed in the laboratory has increased considerably making automated instruments more convenient and practical to use presently.
115, There presently is funding for 200 beds, but the center could be expanded to 400.
116, But presently the crowd loosened into smaller groups and a good many people went off into the village or set off for outlying farms.
117, Active smoking; active drinking Presently consuming or consumed in the previous 12 months.
118, Moreover, as we shall see presently, the wheel is not one that revolves with perfect smoothness.
119, Presently the port was gone and the fire gone and Tuppe had gone to sleep in the portmanteau.
120, In the meantime, it is presently developing its overall strategy.