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121 Creatures like Pompeii worm, vampire squid, and anglerfish, etc. are attracting more and more people to explore the mysterious and vast deep ocean. 122 A vampire is a creature chimeric non-dead non-living which, according to various folklore and popular superstition, feeds on the blood of the living in order to draw a life force. 123 The vampire, a mythical monster that feeds on the blood of its victims, has been used as a symbol of sexual predation since it first entered Western literature in the late 18th century. 124 Do the cross and the vampire animated cartoon have a number to assemble? 125 But love conquers all, and thanks to this series, we we're all well aware that breaking your parents' hearts is fine if you're in love with a vampire man-child, which only a handful of us are. 126 Bela Lugosi steps into the role of the infamous vampire in this production, often regarded as the first legitimate adaptation of Stoker's novel. 127 I think "Buffy The Vampire Slayer" and "Twilight" were very smart at recognising that the vampire represents the ultimate outsider who is of this world but not of this world. 128 You know, besides getting murdered by the evil vampire doppelganger of your best friend. 129 If you are an aspiring Vampire Slayer than Buffy is an extremely good figure. 130 Perhaps the success of Buffy the Vampire Slayer can also be equated to the success of Will and Grace for its integration of homosexuals into stereotypical images of success and attractiveness. 131 Cronin's 750-page epic is part literature, part gripping horror yarn, but most importantly it's a vampire tale that doesn't feel cheap. 132 Children were afraid to go to sleep at night because of the many legends of vampire. 133 Since there's no evidence that the bodily or psychic energy exists in the first place, there's no way to prove that a "psychic vampire" is in fact draining that energy. 134 Vampyroteuthis, or vampire squid, is a cephalopod that lives in the oxygen-minimum zone of Monterey Bay, Calif. , at depths of 600 to 900 meters. 135 But this guy is now rocking a natty black 'tache that looks like a fat vampire slug creeping around his mouth. 136 Robert Pattinson, the British actor who plays a vampire with superhuman strength and speed in the Twilight series of films, has admitted he looks like a transvestite in the role.