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91. The last of the grass - grazing primates, Ethiopia's gelada monkeys live in matriarchal societies. 92. An urban district of southern Northern Ireland. Reputedly founded by Saint Patrick, it is the seat of both the Roman Catholic and Protestant primates of Ireland. Population, 2,700. 93. Superior intelligence and the use of language distinguish man from the other primates. 94. An urban district of southern Northern Ireland. Reputedly founded by Saint Patrick, it is the seat of both the Roman Catholic and Protestant primates of Ireland. Population, 12, 700. 95. Of mammals only humans and some primates enjoy color vision. 96. As a result, we primates have overlapping fields of vision from each eye which give us excellent 3-D vision; without depth perception a tree-living animal is very quickly out of the gene pool. 97. That can be done very accurately for all primates, and DeSilva was able to analyze a dozen Australopithecus skulls. 98. Human beings, or man — Latin: "wise human", are bipedal primates in the family Hominidae. 99. Capuchin monkeys are famously shrewd and resourceful primates, the New World equivalent of chimpanzees. 100. In addition, the human is at the same time there are head lice pubis and the only primates. 101. The aye-aye is a species of lemur, a group of primates with large ears, long limbs and a long body. 102. Of or belonging to the Prosimii, a suborder of primates that includes the lemurs lorisesand tarsiers. 103. How would studies of other primates be useful in the understanding of this topic? 104. For example, primates rely more on vision than olfaction; for rats, the opposite is true. 105. Reloading might explain the behavior of bucks, bulls, and male primates, all of which tend to ejaculate at the end of an autoerotic episode. 106. Any of various large, tailless Old World primates of the family Pongidae, including the chimpanzee, gorilla, gibbon, and orangutan. 107. A solution for these primates, though , was present in the evolutionary toolbox. 108. It includes primates such as the extinct giant ape Gigantopithecus, as well as the ancestors of the living orangutan (Pongo) and gibbon (Hylobates). 109. The question you should be asking is why human women have different vaginas than primates. 110. After capture, the blood B12 levels of most primates drops rapidly when they are fed on a hygienically grown and prepared plant-based diet. 111. The white -headed langur, one of many endangered species of primates in Asia, is found only in Guangxi province in southern China. 112. Consciousness or cerebration has been said to have emerged in the evolution of higher primates. 113. Previous studies of primates had been confined to captive animals but Leakey believed, presciently, that much more could be learned by studying them in the wild. 114. Post - conflict behavior has been reported in most of non - human primates. 115. A mammal of the order Primates, which includes the anthropoids and prosimians, characterized by refined development of the hands and feet, a shortened snout, and a large brain. 116. But many primates , including humans, hae a third photopigment, encoded by a second gene on the X chromosome. 117. Even within our own class, mammals, roughly 300 new species have been discovered in the first decade of this century—mostly rodents, but also marsupials, a beaked whale and a slew of primates. 118. The red colobus could have been the first species of primates to disappear in 200 years. 119. Signalling by facial and vocal expression _ r is ubiquitous among primates.