快好知 kuaihz

61 I tried ringing you several times yesterday but I couldn't get through . 62 Instead of ringing for the maid, she made the tea herself. 63 That phone ringing all the time is driving me nuts! 64 He went home with the teacher's warning ringing in his ears. 65 The explosion set my ears ringing and even made me jump a bit. 66 People from all over the country have been ringing in to make donations. 67 With these words still ringing in his ears, he got back into his old habits. 68 He hesitated before ringing her,[.com] fearful of what she might say. 69 Songs of extolling the motherland are ringing far and near. 70 The telephone has been ringing continually in the office all morning. 71 The whole sports world is ringing with the wonderful performances by the twin brothers. 72 I went to pick up the phone/receiver, but it had stopped ringing. 73 Since war broke out, the phones at donation centers have been ringing off the hook. 74 Warning bells started ringing in her head as she sensed that something was wrong. 75 The phone keeps up its stop-and-start ringing. 76 He was furious with me for ringing him. 77 I'm sorry for barging in without ringing the bell. 78 As she opened her door the telephone was ringing. 79 When she arrived home, the phone was ringing. 80 In my mind I heard the phone ringing. 81 A burglar alarm was ringing further along the road. 82 But now the alarm bells are ringing again. 83 I could have sworn I heard the phone ringing. 84 I couldn't get round to ringing until now. 85 Ringing in ears. Cold hands or feet. 86 We heard them ringing the temple bell. 87 There was a ringing in his ears. 88 I ended up with ringing ears. 89 In the next room along, a telephone was ringing. 90 Another thunderclap exploded above, ringing their ears.