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151. Chemical weathering is of the greatest importance in producing fine material, as clay minerals are formed by this process. 152. Sri Lanka's unique cricketing culture is currently producing an outstanding crop of young batsmen. 153. The resin hardens when the laser comes into contact with it, gradually producing a perfect three dimensional model. 154. It was feared the burning Alloprene was producing phosgene gas, carbon tetrachloride and hydrochloric acid. 155. He said producing the brochures for each authority had not been expensive. 156. In any country the rich can invest and reinvest their capital, producing greater and greater profits. 157. Individuals feed and grow slowly, spending longer at each growth stage and ultimately producing fewer eggs. 158. Planning and producing written work, quoting sources, checking: these too are often daunting tasks for the student. 159. To make the assumption that JustText was only capable of producing text would be to do it a grave disservice. 160. Nobody teaches a child the actual mechanics of producing word sounds or how to use his mind to think or experience emotions. 161. This was narrowly avoided by producing a new programming scheme, involving local sponsorship as the future funders of individual exhibitions. 162. The thought had crossed my mind to get into producing. 163. The famous alphabet length below Nellies Beck saw most of the action producing five of the top six weights. 164. This uses up energy, weakening the plant and reducing its chances of producing viable fruit. 165. Branson had arranged to see an advertising agency about Oldfield producing music for a commercial for Dulux paint. 166. Old methods of producing metals such as silver, bronze and iron involved the use of lead. 167. And it probably always will, since no conceivable technology can prevent petroleum combustion from producing carbon dioxide. 168. Metal is easily corroded, but the skill lies in producing an attractive colour which is even in tone and texture. 169. Producing appreciable quantities demands somewhat laborious and delicate manipulations of yeast. 170. The course is recognized for producing graduates who are immediately employable and who can play leading roles in the development of computing. 171. Free radicals may also play a part in producing organic compounds with metallic properties. 172. Culturing microorganisms offers a highly efficient means of producing high-protein food supplements for a hungry world of the future. 172. Wish you can benefit fromand make progress everyday! 173. Many areas are producing books, brochures and maps to provide a guide to this history. 174. The land is used intensively mainly for dairy herds producing fresh milk. 175. There are times when making language function effectively is more important than producing perfectly pronounced, grammatically correct sentences. 176. The plant will start operations from April 1998, producing 64 million 16-megabit flash memory chips a year. 177. Producing qualified workers is a project that gets progressively more difficult as economic development advances. 178. Among the photographers who were occupied in producing nude studies for the ateliers of Paris bas Julien Vallou de Villeneuve. 179. The creation of devices capable of producing resonance was the culmination of a long and patient exploration of sounds. 180. The intended result of such treatment is to reduce or eliminate alcohol consumption by producing a negative response to alcohol.