快好知 kuaihz

31 The various factors that impact bread staling. The ways of retard bread staling rate and the mechanism of bread staling. 32 The experiment results indicate that the nano-ceramic coating can retard inward diffusion of oxygen, which can obviously improve oxidation resistance of the alloy at high temperature. 33 Foam can retard gas channeling and gravity override in gas flooding. 34 Long-term atropine treatment of school myopia can eliminate accommodation tonus, prevent or retard the progress of myopia. 35 Objective:To control the quality of the compound felodipine retard tablets, we established the dissolution method of the tablets. 36 Woods on a slope below an orchard may retard movement of cold air downward. 37 Sometimes, just putting your finger on a clock trace adds enough parasitic capacitance to retard the clock edges. 38 Waterlog harmness can retard the growth of crops and speed senescence. 39 Unbound aggregate base can efficiently retard the reflexion of cracks to asphalt pavement surface, which is aroused by the shrinkage crack of semi-rigid base in the inverted structure. 40 Experimental results show that the position of the converter nearer to the exhaust port, the retard ignition timing and the higher idle speed can promote the catalytic converter light-off.